Wednesday, August 27, 2008
They say miracles do happen, i believe in that, so prove to me.
Yours, Ray..10:08 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Yours, Ray..9:47 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
A new place, a fresh beginning, a new chapter of life. Decipher this, and you'll know why i no longer often this place as much as i do.
Yours, Ray..1:34 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Someone who like this and famous amos if i not wrong la LOL
HI NARUTO FAN. If i'm not wrong about who you are that is lol. I seldom dedicate any post for people beside birthdays but here goes:
Hi naruto-fan-which-i-think-is-you one of the person who's journals i always visit :) . Hey, very long din get to chat with you online already, kinda busy this few weeks with studying and everything. Din do catching ups with you for a long long time !!
Hope you're coping well with studies, life and everything, remember what i always say, BE HAPPYZ. SMILE A MILLION TIME A DAY. Anyway, just wanna say life is good for me nowadays and i have fabulous people all around me.
Been dinosaurs years since i last rant to you online about my life, cause i'm doing fine now like finally -.- . But i just wanna take this chance to say thank you (IF U ARE REALLY WHO IM SAYING LA LOL) . Thanks a million for always being around last time, always hearing me rant on non-stop and without any complaints at all.
Thanks, because i manage to survive all the nonsense i had partly cause of ur help. And i'm glad i first know you although the way i know you is kinda lame and funny :x Stay happy always and take care of my dear in your class if you are really who i'm referring to, HAHHAHA. YOU ROCK :D
Yours, Ray..3:51 AM
Friday, August 22, 2008

The only thing i did beside studying was to watch this anime during exam period
Series 2 coming out soon i'll probably go and buy it :D
Yours, Ray..8:34 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
One paper left, my dizzyness is killing me and i don't know why i'm feeling dizzy. Can't concentrate and focus, that is one big problem. Finance paper is tough so i'm probably going to die if i still cannot manage to concentrate.
WAITING FOR CLEM TO COME OVER AND TAKE THINGS FROM ME. Then i'll have a good excuse to go down for a puff, and hopefully methol ice will wake me up from this nonsense. Probably won't sleep till 5am today. Last paper, no pain no gain.
Today is also a happy day despite the stupid efma paper, cause i got a message from my No1 Idol, Thank you from your No1 stalker + Fan ! And i receive some M&M chocolates via email LOL, ALTHOUGH IT'S REALLY FUNNY BUT THANKS, AT LEAST TAKE THE STRESS OFF ME FOR A WHILE, HAD A GOOD LAUGH AND A BREADMAN SMILE FOR A WHILE :D.
Work hard kiddos, we'll survive.
Yours, Ray..10:51 PM
Although i din finish studying my efma and might fail risking it. But i think i spent my time wisely talking from 1am till 3.30am to a couple of gd friends in msn, and i think its worth it. Goodnight people.
Yours, Ray..3:29 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The other day at mac!
Hi, today paper is totally screwed up cause i really din put in much effort. But i'm happy today cause i manage to do a little catching-ups with some people be it real life or through text msg. Two more papers left for us all, and then i got plenty of catching ups to do after that
P.S : Kai perhaps u want to come and stay at cck, den we can take the same train and alight together with ....... :D
Yours, Ray..9:31 PM
It's 3+am now and i still see kai and yap online now. I hope they work hard, take care of themselves dun ch too much and sleep early.
Yours, Ray..3:11 AM
Monday, August 18, 2008
The fear starts, the clock ticks
Pens start scibbling, Heart beats skipping
This is easy, That is hard.
Ding, times up.
Dod, pens fell.
Anxiety, worries, heave of relief.
Exams, oh exams..
We'll look forward and keep running, we'll fall but we'll persevere. Four more days of hardwork, fourty-two days of enjoyment. Joy of 4 days, misery for 42 days, or vice-versa, you choose your pick, your life :)
P.S : Been a little tired out lately with studying. So pardon me if i'm a little quieter than usual or a little more MIA than usual. But i'll be back disturbing you, you and you, YES YOU ALL when exams are over. And be glad cause u seldom see me so quiet or speak without nonsense coming out ! Okay, serious a little, till then, please tolerate with this seriousness and little speaking side of mine for a while, thanks.
Yours, Ray..5:00 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I bet everyone is ROARing with the upcoming 4 papers, especially SCM-ers Monday, tuesday, thursday, friday. What a week -.-.
HI PEOPLE, let's all mug hard and stress ourselves till all our hair drops , and it's okay. Cause if we work hard now, we don't have to worry during the holiday, and we can all go to Beijing 101 or Yun Nam to get our hair back. WORK HARD AND TAKE CARE PEOPLE, I HOPE I CAN SMILE WHEN I GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW CAUSE I HAVEN FINISH STUDYING.
Yours, Ray..6:42 PM
Friday, August 15, 2008
No i'm not totally sober but i'm home in one piece. Before i turn in i just wanna say thanks to sherman for sending me, cck is damn far dude u rocks, YOU ARE THE BEST, thanks to xiangkuan for HOLDING ME WHEN CROSSING THE ROAD AFTER I LIE DOWN AND SLEEP AT THE MIDDLE PLATFORM GRASSY AREA, I REMEMBER ITS YOU, and thanks to bc for helping me drink although you're drunk :X.
Goodnight all, yap birthday is a success, cause the vodkas made yap, bc, tb, drunk. I'm awake , jz also. BYEBYEEEEE.
Yours, Ray..12:11 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2008

The guitar strums, the melody dances
My very pro guitarist friend, happy birthday. By chance i get to know this damn friend who has the highest level of ch skills in the entire world. And by chance WoW WoW WoW, but too $$ now. And by chance...... aiya diam la ray. Happy birthday Yap, cya later :D
Yours, Ray..1:45 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Smoke Smoke Smoke,
One day don't smoke don't feel shiok,
lalala, exam stress, relax :D Anyway, WORK HARD ARH MUGGERS, I DON'T WANT MSN cause got reason de i dun wan disrupt your peaceful studying life although i noe i can be a good entertainer and relieve some of your stress like how i did in the afternoon.
But i dun wan to be scolded for disrupting people's brain cell memory like today :( . KIDDING LA, GAMBATEH EVERYONE, WE WILL SURVIVEEEEE. Okay maybe u all not me :X
Yours, Ray..2:10 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Hi, i think if i really don't start studying soon, and keep gaming and watching tv and gaming and sleeping and watching tv, i'll probably have to retake a couple of module.
OMGZ, i need some effing discipline in my life, i need people to wake me up from my idea this time round lol, last time there were, now ... NO ONE WAKE ME UP FROM THIS STUPIDITY.
I don't want to fail, i don't want, i don't want, bu yao leh~ /shakez /slow /shakez bu. bu. bu.
The fear crept by slowly
Eating the mind bit by bit
I will not be scare, i will not tremble
I will not bow down, i will not panick
And he continues dwelling on useless things
Till the last minute he'll freak out and yell
What the hell am i doing, what the f*** am i thinking
And by that time, the last minute stress will long be of no use
Cause i'll be retaking my modules DAMNITTTTTTT.
Yours, Ray..10:48 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Last day of happy go lucky and slacking for the time being, cause today is national day :D
Yours, Ray..10:30 PM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Fabulous people, fabulous teacher (Jap class)
Hmm, if you are given a option to turn back time, when will it be ? Hmm. I don't want to turn back time for now, I'm satisfied with all i have now, may it last :D
Yours, Ray..9:34 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A general view of my school life :D
Darkness roams, hearts sank
Fears struck, hearts cold
Thou shalt not see
Thou shalt not care
Let the chill covers the depth
of the heart.
What is right, what is wrong
Who is true, who is false
The wound that heals, the cold that cuts
Contradictions, Repetitions
Tired, wounded, blinded yet again.
We shall not falter, we shall not fall
Little did we realize the glimpse of light behind.
*edited* I see the glimpse of light now WAHHAHA, do you ? :D
Yours, Ray..11:42 PM
Monday, August 4, 2008
Very yummy.
Today is a good day and yesterday is a good day. Today is a good day cause i finally learn how to think and behave appropriately, okay, at least for TODAY LA, OTHER DAY SEE HOW LOL, kidding la, everyday like that :D
Yesterday went out to meet up with miss holy. ALAMAK, met up at kallang. Was suppose to go to kallang leisure park, but then we missed the shutter bus and the next one come like 45 minutes later, so no choice, change of destination.
After much brainstorming and stress+drop hair thinkings ( exaggerations huanlo me rofl ) , we decided to go to tampines IKEAA. Reached tampines and went to take the shutter bus over. Went over to courts first to find bc, xiang and mp. PEARRRR :D
Haiz, my main motive is really go down find u all, i hope you all will believe me. ANYWAY, after that went to ikea to eat, wa seh i tell u the swedish meatballs is yum yum x 99999999. Go and try out, but u might not want to go tampines cause the bus home took us around 1.5 hours.
And we pass by some areas whereby we accumulate some karmas talking about people, but then let's not say it out here, lalala. And yesterday i manage to settle some issues which makes me 200times more happier also.
Say goodbye to emo momo ray, say hi to sensible ray, at least for today, it's a good start :D
Yours, Ray..8:33 PM