Thursday, July 31, 2008
WAHHAHA. I haven memorise my jap, but then i'm so really super tired out, so i decided not to do it and just wake up earlier tomorrow.
So before i turn in for the night, hmm, blog about today ba. Woke up early today and went for a swim, wa i tell you the sun and the water is the best, cause they listen to all your rantings and complaints without asking you to stfu :D
So, after tat went back home for a short rest, after tat wake up exercise a lil, ate dinner. Then went over to jr hse cause wj and the rest are there. WAH, manage to do a bit of jap, kinda last minute but ok ba.
THEN HOR, i want to complain again le LOL. HAIZ, i very disappointed with all my friends :( . No1 : Wj scold me, haiz, tomorrow i show you my stunt arh. No2 : arla, go timah la hor, very disappointed, no more weird tasting sweets for you. No3 : Sleep more important than my jap la hor, no more gummy bears in sprite for you.
LOL, okay i dun want disturb them le, 2nd last jap lesson tomorrow, sian. Just when the lessons are getting somewhat interesting, it's coming to an end. But nvm, we'll all go down to sbw for supper very soon i hope, goodnight all.
Is it that I'm starting to think sensibly, or am i just presuming i'm growing up, oh well =)Yours, Ray..12:52 AM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Ziwen ziwen ziwen ziwen ziwen
No matter how fcuk up or how emo or how sucky i feel, i'll take a look at my phone dp and i'll smile. Cause i'll remember how misbehaving this kid is, and how he manage to appease the people after that.
Yours, Ray..10:56 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
Today is a weird and difficult to comprehend day, but today is a good day cause i manage to sort out some answers that i couldn't find previously and somehow i think it helped me alot. And today is a good day cause i manage to have a short chat with a few friends through the phone, byebye :D
Yours, Ray..12:14 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Been out more than the time i spend at home this two days. Friday school was tiring, woke up rather early. After school stayed for some CS, eh i mean project. After a long day at library, we left the school. And then the most sudden decision pop up and i went over to bc hse.
At night went down to meet up with kai for some guitaring. And no, not lazy not lazy not lazy not lazy not lazy + some punishment issue at the playground, LOL. I think let's keep that to ourselves, shall we?
Went back to bc hse after tat, today woke up, cs and dota for a bit, ate lunch and went down for a while. Anyway i think everyone ought to have one pesticide at home, but then hor, remember to catch the cockroach after u spray on it, or else u'll have trouble finding its corpse :D
After that i went back home for dinner. Then went out tonight to meet up with low and bao. lol, it's a rare sms, so die die no matter wad happen i also 100% fly down one. Went to lot1 mac to study, yes studyyyy. Hasn't met up for these two .. completely guailan friends of mine for like 2 months already.
But then they're still the same, i hope someday they will stop shooting me, NONSTOP. Anyway, nice doing some catchups, cya all soon lol, and i hope next time hor, i won't see people study halfway buy food, buy food, play calculator this and that, all the best in studies THOUGH.
After studying left early went for movie at westmall with my bro and jerome. Then it's some kopi-ing and i'm back home now.
Very busy weekend, very well spent weekend, very tired, byebye =)
Yours, Ray..2:40 AM
Friday, July 25, 2008
Another week is coming to an end. School today is quite alright. No finance in the morning, instead went to mac to slack with kai, bc, jz. After tat they went for lesson and we went to sit sit.Hmm, nothing much in between.
After tat will be jap lesson lol. Jap is getting more and more interesting, but the sad thing is there's like only 2 weeks left. Met quite a few nonsense friends in class, and that's what's interesting besides our teacher who always never fail to make all of us laugh.
Awesome friends i have in jap class, okay, except for someone complaining about me not doing project, someone throwing gummy bears into my sprite, someone who say my sweet taste weird when i offer him sweet, someone who always scold me when i tell her the timing of the lesson before it ends. But okay, partly i guess it's cause of these that's why it's good lol.
After school went to hark music school with bc, yap, kai. Hmm, september it shall be, i hope. Afterall i think i'll work hard for the receptionist there. And please la hor yap, let's make an agreement, tuesday lesson one week, thursday lesson one week. Cannot be selfish one. Then went to dhoby mrt there and sat down and hear them sing and play.
Went to prata with everyone after that and then i'm back home, VERY TIRED ARH, but i need to study alamak =(
Awesome day, awesome music, awesome people.

September it shall be.



Scheduled weekend hangout
Out again soon, very soon.
Yours, Ray..12:53 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Went out yesterday to celebrate sherman's birthday with everyone. Went over to golden mile to have steamboat there. Alamak, food keep dropping and i keep burning wj's hand rofl. The food there is alright, but the chicken is better than the steamboat itself.
After that went for some pooling with everyone. Golden mile billard/pool is still the best, go there and you'll know what i mean. So, wx and pph got a cake for sherman :) . And i think sherman is very happy yesterday.
After tat went outside to find jz, walk walk walk, den i emo emo emo rofl. Den walk back to golden mile again, and sherman went for the fortune thingy. And we all agreed it's very true, especially some of the ratings, except for heatlh rofl.
Okay, a little lazy to go into details photos are provided below, orchard/esplanade the other day and sherman's birthday!!

Two kb friends of mine.

Emo guitarist

Future musician .

Very serious guitarists


Credits to the photographer

Some last minute preparation

The Stunt !!

All the guys.

Jz & Edw

Edw & Wj

Wj, kai, COOOL.

Wj & Sndy

The famous bag carrier.

Tell me, who is the emo one now.


Fishball in green tea, very awesome lol

Brothers... Owwww..

You also cannot hide one leh wx

Enjoying the food~

Wj, bc, wj looks so serious :(

Yum yum cake.

Make a wish...

Very very happy.

Messy eaters -.-
Yours, Ray..8:08 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Happy birthday pal, you rock cause u will accompany me go cck one day :)Hello everyone, before i start blogging about my everyday life, i wanna say a very happy birthday to Sherman in advance. Although i always like to disturb this friend of mine during bus trip to and fro prata, but it's cool to be ur frd dude, i enjoy disturbing u alot HAHA, cya tml pal.
Lately been a little busy, tuesday after school went town with kai and wj. After that bc, jz, edwin came over to join us. And we went walking everywhere in search of everything, and Mr kai got his yui albums already, congrats dude. After that wj went to meet sndy and the rest of us continued exploring till we find no meaning in staying at town.
Then our creative bc came out with a very funny idea of going to esplanade. And so, despite being a schoolday, we all went over. After that wj and sndy came to join us. Met a person from the states and he talk to us about... I don't want to say about the details but i just wanna say i dun really entertain the ideas of propaganda promoting things like this, sorry.
Went to buy drinks after tat with bc. So it's pear pear pear and drink drink drink. Not forgetting the stunt the rest of them put up like using the hat of sndy to ask for money and kai went to play guitar and all of them singing to strangers. This group of friends have many stunts up their sleeve and im proud of that lol.
Enjoyable night i'll say, although it's quite late when we reach home. Esplanade again someday, this time round, go on a weekend and perhaps we can stay overnight there :D
Went to school today, skipped jap and went to library with everyone. Yap came over to nyp to join us. And after tat he and kai left earlier. Stayed in school to play cs LOL, and watch the rest of them dota :D
After that went over for prata with everyone again. I GOT EAT HORR. Okay i dun wan blog le, very tired, i fell asleep on the train standing and nearly fall down :(
I will upload all the photos the next time i blog because i have many but i want to get more.
Yours, Ray..11:20 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
Couldn't sleep, woke up, searching for blogskin, making another blog, one more of thoughts and feelings than recent happenings.
Heh, tryna find it, and let me know when you found it :)
Yours, Ray..3:24 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Just came back home a while ago, not gaming already, turning in after this.
SO... Din turn up for school on friday, kinda quite tired this week eh, not sure if i'll be interested enough to go this monday, shall see. Anyway, went to dinner at jin yu man tang today with my family.
Celebrated my grandma's birthday there !! Some of our relatives turn up too, including one of my cousin. HEH, meet up soon for some buffet PERHAPS, and can i have one f1 ticket, the most, the most i give you some sashimi and some fried mantou perhaps :D ?
After that dad drove me and my bro to westmall. Met up with jerome, keong, terry, zhenyu. Went to catch the movie Hellboy2. Rather interesting show although we din catch the 1st series. SHALL NOT REVEAL ANY CONTENT if not i get bashed up for being a spoiler :O
After that went to grab a drink and done some talking there. Army life's tough i reckon, keong looks so deadish. But i'm sure everything will be okay once everyone is used to army life ~ My friends all have great perseverance, that i'm affirmative. IF NOT HOW TO BE MY FRIEND ?!
Okay, time for sleep, cya all next weekend again.
I've learnt things i've not known, i've known things i couldn't understand, i've understood what i couldn't decipher. BUT come again, do i really see things clearer now, cause everything still looks so blur, things that come are so hard to comprehend, people even harder. ARH, goodnight :)Yours, Ray..3:20 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
I guess, it's time to wake up from this slumber. This endless dream-like everyday life has to end. Time to kick my ass back to reality and face everything in life. It starts today, alright, hopefully i'll wake up this time round.
Yours, Ray..1:31 AM
Monday, July 7, 2008
Haven updated for a couple of days. Though i've cleanly forgotten some parts but here goes for saturday, which is one of the most busy day.
Met up with jk, bc, wx, mp, tb, pph at marina square. Then went to walk walk, they bought a lot of things. Haiz, teenagers nowadays a lot of money one, i think they have a money-printing machine at home or they can dig gold bar somewhere. But they don't want share with me :(
WENT TO EAT ICECREAM HIAK HIAK HIAK, rum with raisin is woohoo. After that went over to golden mile for some pool pool. I think the public very scare of us, cause we have a couple of bodyguards protecting mp. ROFL. And it's damn hilarious the way people look at them.
Anyway, din really play pool that day, dun dare play with them haiz :( . Instead, i went to buy tiger beer and went in to drink and pear. Wah that is the best thing to do. Anyway, after that went to eat noodle at some eatery there. LOL, i duno why but the shop owner is super super good, the way he do things is scary. First time i see such a friendly and super good service owner.
After that we went off and cabbed back, thanks guys. Anyway, I went over and met up with my bro, jerome and terry. Went to his condo for some alcohol. Wah beginning okok, after that everyone got drunk i tell you. And i fell down like 2-3 times in total. Everyone is bu xing ren shi.
First time i really got so drunk that i lie everywhere, roll everywhere rofl. I think i stop alcohol for a few weeks le, till some birthday come den i go drink again. Anyway, after that we all manage to get home safely. And i want to laugh at something, i threw away 3 packs of ciggs that belong to them. I was packing up and i saw the ciggs and i threw them into the bin, dun ask me why LOL.
Then today, went to bishan to do project with ym, sx and jk. Wah, seriously logscm is damn hard, really want our life. Now they are still mugging with the video, sry sry lol, i really duno how to do man. Sherman came to join us, haiz, bad influence, come disturb us.
Left early and went to prata with everyone. And i think i enjoy bus session with sher alot cause i always manage to ka him till he got nothing to say :D. When are you goin to take mrt to cck with me :(
You know, during last year units chalet, a gd friend of mine told me something when i'm feeling rather down. Although i kinda dun really believe the content of the conversation at that time cause i'm too tired from everything, but i must say it's true. Cause that is exactly what i experience now. I'm glad wads' mentioned came true. CHOICES, yea, it's related to this, make a guess, but you wont' get it right.

You can never hide from me, sherman ( MY MASTERPIECE 3 )

Presenting to you, our drug addict ( MY MASTERPIECE 2 )

I think he watch too much anime ( MY MASTERPIECE 1 )


BC pooling, very serious siall.


Bc and JK masterpiece :D

Someone trying to ruin my reputation by putting tis in his friendster :(

Some alcohol perhaps ?

Drinking, heh.

Mr terry ~

Mr jerome ~

Yours, Ray..2:26 AM
Friday, July 4, 2008
Wa my mood today and the last post is 360 degrees change man. Feeling super fcuk up now i duno why lol, i think a lot of things is piling up on my mind + the non-ending school projects and work is driving me crazy.
I guess i really can't be bothered with so many things already, just getting myself down for not much reason. Byebye, i think i go sleep le.
And the consolation is that for everything that's making me feel this way now, i found equal amounts of reasons that i should laugh and smile now. Tomorrow will be better, i'm sure. Nonchalance for the negative issues, at least that's what i think i should be doing.Yours, Ray..1:22 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Okay, although the above part sound a bit hilarious, but ya, i'm seriously going drinking one of these days with her. Anyone wanna go drinking and pearing , tell me rofl.
Yours, Ray..1:10 AM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Just finish browsing through my wu ling mi ji, HEHE.
Randomly : I want to have some alcohol :(
Yours, Ray..8:20 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Haven blogged for quite somedays. Ict test just over, thursday will be jap. School kinda really suck nowadays, everything all packed together. And the worse thing is we dun have anymore long holidays which means no hongkong for a long long time. But it's okay, i'll still skip school for that ^^
So last saturday went out to celebrate sabrina birthday with yan, my bro and esther !! Another friend was suppose to join us, but she's caught up with something, but it's okay~ We'll meet up another day for another celebration.
So went over to Plaza Sing with my bro to meet up with the rest. And sab din noe we're there. After that she got blind folded HOHOHO. And she can't see a thing and walk all the way to fish and co. Ate our dinner there. We manage to surprise her with a cake, and she's suppose to stand on top of the chair to blow out the candle. Credits to the Fish and Co stuff, thanks.
So after that the 3 of us went off. Went off den gave her a surprise at bugis and pass her the presents. Hope you like it !! So, after that cause it's a tired day, we all cabbed our way back.
Went to meet up with keong at batok with my bro after tat. Caught a movie and done some chattings. Army life seems fun yet scary, but i still have a year to go i guess.
Sunday night went to sunshine place with my bro to meet up with jerome who just came back. Done some drinking + pearing + talking, wa this is life. And now i feel like drinking again, shit. Anyone alcohol ?!
School life is busy but fun, whew.

Presenting to you the birthday gerl!

Getting blindfolded!

Si joker :X

Everyone elses~~

Up the stairssssss.


I'm pretty sure i'll get scolded badly for posting this picture up :(

Wa i tell u , New York fish and chips is WOOHOO.

My fishhhhh.

She's forced to go up hiak hiak hiak

Sab and esther!

Sab and Yan!

Admit it, we're very neat eaters ROFL

Alcohol + Pear is =)
Yours, Ray..9:42 PM