Monday, April 28, 2008

This just means that school started -.-
Okay, first day of school's over. Hmmm.. Kinda damn dry the lesson today, so i'm like high at the beginning and not high throughout... ORE SANJOU... OK CRAPS!
So got into a new class and the good thing is that there's still some of us around. It's the first day of school and there's like project submission on the 4th or 5th week and 20% ica somewhere near there too. Kinda a lot tougher than year 1.
Tomorrow will be a lot better, cause i swear i'll sleep like more than 2 hours tonight !!
Saturday :
Went to town with my bro and yan. Due to the accident at PIE, we're stuck on 190 for at least 2 hours. It's super ^#&^#^ when you see the bus go a short distance, and stop and continue doin that for 2 entire hours. So talked abt a lot of things during the trip, and things like studying for me especially. Thanks for the help.
So we reached town at around 9.40 and so it means that sab have to work an additional OT of 40 minutes FOC :X
After that went to eat at nana thai restaurant. OMG, we ordered a 6 person pax and we manage to finish every single bit of it lol. This just shows how hungry we are due to the jam ! But i must say the food there is damn delicious ~ OK, cya all this saturday.
Sunday :
I think i just rested at home kamen-ing the whole afternoon. Cause i woke up like 3+ in the afternoon after watching nba the previous night. AND YES I WATCHED IT !!!!!
Then went to jog at cck park and meet up with aaron , daniel and eugene there. Okay, i think my stamina is real bad lol, gotta work a lot harder already.
So, done lotsa talking with them. Okay, not a lot to be exact but did some catching up with them. Afterall i think i haven't met them for a month + already. Let's go eat after you peeps matches end.
Yours, Ray..11:28 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Okay, i'm lazy to blog about details of saturday for now. I'LL BLOG ON MONDAY SINCE IT's school start. But i'm super looking forward to it, and trust me, i'm not deceiving myself :D
Alright, just wanna say happy 18th birthday to melisa ! Enjoy yourself okay ! Next week i'll prolly ask you to go ice-skating. Thanks arh, for like everytime listening to my nonsense emo-ish problems all the time in the past. But i'm sure that won't happen again cause i'm really pleased with life now. Hope you're doing well with life and school also :)
AND ALSO happy birthday to xiuhui also !!
OKAY, one last thing, it's 4am now. AND TO A SPECIFIC PERSON : I'm watching nba later man ! AND GOLEM is whitee.... :XYours, Ray..4:04 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
One word : intensity.
Another two word : crazying soon
Another one sentence : My head is splitting since i just went down to jog.
Ja mata.
Yours, Ray..11:57 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Okay peeps!
I'm here to blog already, As you all know , i've just returned from hongkong a couple of days ago. Kinda still not quite used to the weather here.
Friday : delivered the kinder surprise to melisa, glad you like it ! I'll get it for you everytime i go overseas !
Saturday : Went to town with my bro and yan. Done a lot of talking on the bus and the usual seating arrangement :D
WENT TO FIND SAB AND HUIWEN ! Haven met them since i'm at hongkong for the past week. Really happy to see all of them, i'm dead serious. After that went to eat at the thai restaurant at fareast. THE FOOD THERE IS NICE, but din eat a lot cause i ate dinner at home already.
After that huiwen went back and the rest of us went to find esther. HER DOG LOOKS LIKE CAT PLEASE. But i must say it's super cute~~
Went to one of their houses after that ! DEN... TADAAA. I dun want to go into details. But i wanna say this : I'M damn happy when i know that somehow i manage to make others happy in a way or two, and that's really good enough ~
Sunday : Woke up to cut my cake, cause it's my lunar birthday! After that went to meet up with sab , yan and huiwen at cck with my bro. And we took 190 to town again, SAME SEATING ARRANGEMENT AGAIN FOR THE GUYS ^^
EHH, den after that we went to cine to eat the awesome fish and chips. And went to catch the movie forbidden kingdom. I think the movie's really awesome if you ask me.
After that we went to play some arcade. Where i get addicted to one particular machine :X . Next year birthday change 1k SGD and let me play and i'll be satisfied TEE HEE HEE.
WENT TO DINNER AFTER TAT AND ATE TIE BAN SAO. Can't finish it, but it's really nice. BUT I GOT FINISH THE MEAT, NEVER FINISH THE BEANSPROUTS ONLY ! So i wasted like 50 cents only. After tat walk walk abit and we went back home.
P.S : I wanna say i really enjoy this holiday, although it's coming to an end, but then all i wana say is thanks for making it an enjoyable one. I think sometimes the people you hang around with really leave an impact on you and as times goes by you really learn things from them. Their actions, their behaviors, their characters and so much so much more. I've learnt to be a lot happier and i'm starting to think sensibly towards life now, arigato ~
AND i'm gonna work hard this sem already, gotta pull my gpa up. I GOT A VERY GOOD EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW AND ASK ADVICES FROM, THANK YOU, REALLY. And another thing is i'm glad i can confide my problems to people like who i just talked to today on the bus and who i'm talking to now in msn. Thanks a million.
Okay, photos time ~


My red bean ice ~

Awesome meatballs


Yes, it's taken in Hongkong

Sab trademark :X

THEY ARE giving a very bushuang (unhappy) expression AND I DUNO WHY :X

As always, the best-est couple i met :D

I think he is shocked by her transformation LALALA :X

Huiwen and her specs :X

Just true people, thats all.
Yours, Ray..1:53 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
JUST REACH HOME, its 1am noww. Gotta turn in for the night soon, kinda really sleepy and tired now. Will blog about today after tomorrow~ since i'll be out tomorrow too.
ALL I WANNA SAY IS, it feels good to know that you manage to bring a laughter or smile to anyone else that matters to you, and that's enough.
Yours, Ray..1:06 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Okay, flying back tomorrow already. Thanks for the concerns i'm alright already ! Alive, kicking and as HIGH AS ALWAYS. Hongkong's a cool place, went to a lot of places this couple of days. Kinda dun feel like returning back to singapore already.
BUT, there are still so many many people i've to meet and do some catching up with, HOW CAN I NOT GO BACK TO SG ! ( IM GONNA MEET UP WITH EVERYONE BEFORE SCHOOL START, I DUN CARE IF JC PEOPLE ARE BUSY). School's starting on the 28th, i used to dread the thought of school reopening, but i duno why, i kinda look forward to it now.
A couple of us won't be in the same class already, but neverthelessly, we'll all still meet up for lunch, and we'll never change.
Cause the fact remains that we all have something in common, that craziness, that high-ness, that forever nois-est bunch in lecture hall, and that something that not all others have, which is that bond we all share. Cheers, because poly year 1 is fabulous with all of you around. OK ENUFF , CYA ALL SOON.
P.S : I'll be back at night on friday HOW TO GO SENTOSA TANNING PLS. Nvm, i open window on the plane. ENJOY YOURSELVES, school start den go again, if not you peeps prolly wont see me again, cause i'll be camou-ing at some white walls in school ~ Enjoy there arh!Yours, Ray..4:18 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Okay, you peeps should most probably have an idea where i am now. But damnit, i'm real sick cause of the weather. Hope to see you guys soon , take care many many peeps.
Yours, Ray..11:22 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Alright, so yesterday's my birthday. Thanks a lot for all who actually remembered and bothered to drop a wish to me !
So yesterday woke up and was supposed to meet up with sab and yan at cck at around 2 with my bro. Ended up preparing everythingg. When i heard a ding-dong, and they're outside my house with a cake. HIAK HIAK HIAK.
SO it's surpriseeeeeee. And okay, i really wanna say thanks a lot, din really say much then, cause YOU KNOW sometimes when something happen suddenly, your brain kinda just freeze right there.
So it's some cake-cutting, and i got my present from the 3 of them. A wallet from agnes b, damnit, it definitely cost a bomb for them. And whats worse is that basically i got conned by the three of them the previous day and actually chose the wallet myself, cause i thought yan was the one who was buying it. ITS OK, i'll have my revenge someday yo.
So after that went over to vivo ! It's a long ride via bus ! Went to buy movie ticx, before going for lunch at Hk Kim Gary. It's a hongkong cafe and the food there is super nice, but the supreme curry is really damn spicy lol, had a hard time finishing them. BUT THE TOAST THERE IS SUPERB.
After that went to catch the movie "Three kingdoms - resurrection" . It's a nice show and some part of it is kinda sad! SOooo, after the movie went to eat at White Dog cafe. THE PIZZA THERE IS DAMN NICE and the drink is damnnn nice also. I drank the peppermint latte ! After that we took the train home :D
Okay, i wanna say it here that seriously a big thank you to the three of you. I know the present is damn costly, and you all really put in a lot of effort to surprise me with the cake, present and everything. Frankly speaking, this is a celebration with lesser people compared to the previous years, but it's one of the best. Cause it's the most heartwarming one, with people who are so close, and people who really understand my character the most, and at the same time not take advantage of it at all.
Thanks a million, deep down , cause yesterday is a blast, probably one of the best-est birthday celebration i had and will have.

They understand my character more than anyone else, all of them.

When you make a wish~

SEE HOW HAPPY I LOOK when im with them :D



FU QI LIAN as always (zoo + hkcafe? :X)

My bro and I !

Look at the funny straw part and her funny expression ~

Admit it, i'm good at photoshoots

Yan and sabrina~

Hongkies are the best !

Me and sab, 12 years+ already okay !


Sabrina's damn cool strawberry latte

Agnes b wallet from the three of them, thanks :D
Yours, Ray..12:11 PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
wah seh, nothing makes me happier than all the birthday wishes i get from all the different people, glad tat you peeps all remembered. AIRGATO x 999999 -gone-
Yours, Ray..1:04 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
If you say the weather describes the mood, here's my mood for now.
Okay i haven blog about last week yet, but i've much to do now, and i'm super lazy to go into details. So here goes :
Last week, went to gym one of the days with my bro and keong , /flex ! It's super muscleachexhaustion (If u understand ) . So, that was one fineeeee day at gym. Really is chiong to the max, till the body can't take it.
So, last week is huiwen birthday also ! Went down to town with my bro and yan to meet up with sabrina. Overall it's a pleasant surprise for her birthday ! She din notice our evil scheme, TEE HEE HEE ! After that went over to kbox till midnight, and we all cabbed home after that. Thank you to the kind cab uncle. Anyway huiwen's at china now, hope she enjoys herself !
So the day after huiwen birthday went to watch concert. Okay, not concert, i just went to kbox with some fabulous people who sings fabulously well, although i sing super litttleeeeeee, but i must say i really enjoyed myself, seriously ! AND THANKS YOU FOR THE TREAT SABBIE !!
After that went to kallang to take some COOL toy. And i went over with them to hai die music school for their exam. HIAK HIAK HIAK, one word to describe their singing : Awesome ! Believe it or not , if you dun believe, too bad ! So it's a long long long ride home via mrt. Done a lot of talkings on the way back home.
I must say THANK YOU THE BOTH OF YOU, TEE HEE HEE. I'm damn serious. Although i shine like the brightest light tower on earth at times, i'm proud of it haha. And what's most important is that i really learnt a lot from the both of you, be it the way you all deal with life and problem or how your characters go. Really appreciate it, sab&yan.
Okay, i'm gonna finish tis epi of den-o and proceed to coming out with my MUST-BUY list for next friday if you know what i'm talking about. Ciaos people !
Yours, Ray..10:23 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I just feel like escaping to that faraway isle
Hoho, i just dun feel as good this few days as how i used to be since the beginning of the holiday till last week.
No this isn't emo, because like one friend used to say : Emo is feeling unhappy without reason. And i've my reason. Just that i dun wanna put it out here and dun wanna make it known to everyone out there.
Haven felt this way since a long time ago. But i guess feeling down sometimes is inevitable. I realise my mindset have changed a lot over this past few days. I'm getting used to life now and also how different people behave and how people differ in their character.
I realise i'm really starting to view things through another angle now. I'm no longer that foolish person in the past who do things without thinking, speaks without thinking, and keep making mistakes.
Wish me luck, i wanna stay this way. Because i know i'm better off this way :D.
But i'll never exactly grow up because i'll always be that childish kid who's in dou dou class, that kid who just completed his o level, that guailan kid who always want to have his way, that funny kid who wanna go to zoo and underwater world, that stupid kid who buys donut for people.. That's something that will never change, because although the world is full of Team Rocket, there will still be kind and nice pikachus around :)
Yours, Ray..2:13 PM