Monday, January 28, 2008
As the picture depicts.. A joyful place that yet seem so.... sorrow ?Hasn't blogged for a few days. Kinda getting lazy nowadays. Went out with my bro, keong, terry on saturday. Met up at lot one where i saw wind and then guo came later. Had a little chat with them. JJC tabletennis for the way okay ?!
So after the chat, took 190 to town. Went to fareast for a little walk, den walk the whole orchard to search for my dad birthday present. Head over to cine for dinner at hk cafe ( celebrating keong birthday in advance! ) . Met vevian at there and had a little chat, YES , it's "Bump-Into-People" Day. Oh yes, speaking of that, i haven really bought a present. Will get it asap, sorry sorry !
After that went to watch the movie rambo 4. M18 show, thought it was nc16, so kinda just showed my IC to the usher. But then -.- kinda forgot that i'm turning 18 this year, oh well. Anyway, it's a great show, but kinda short. Went back home after that.
Okay enough of posting craps, time to get serious..Hmm, life has been slightly emo-less nowadays. Not exactly sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Before talking about that, had a few chats with 3 close friends i had in the past , on msn of course. For whatever particular reason, i've drifted away from the 3 of them individually. But then i'm glad that, it's kinda coming back all over again.
The three of them are as follows :
1) The one i had the millionth quarrels with
2) 7th march
3) The one i used to KB the most and EMO the most in msn
Neverthelessly it's good that i'm chatting with them nowadays. Not forgetting the fact that keongie is back in SG :D.
Okay, putting that HAPPY 3 FRIENDS aside, chatted quite a lot with a friend recently. A kinda close friend, who had a lot of problem nowadays. Trust me you'll be okay, YOU SHOULD KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Stay cheerful and remember that the world is square, and the sea is yellow. Your friends will always be around for you okay !
Then back to myself. Aint sure if not being emo is a good thing or a bad thing. Actually this couple of days, i've many many reasons to be emo about, really. And they're not invalid reasons. Last time, i will probably find the people involved and chat about it, but now, i dunno. Because i dunno if talking things is gonna help.
Maybe just as my nick suggest, simply
because nothing and no one matters now. I don't know if i'm really happy or i'm just pretending to be okay. All i know is that, i can't be emo to anyone out there. Because i know i'll affect their mood if i am.
If the world can have one happier people, it's good enough. If i aint a good friend myself, don't be a burden to the rest and leave them alone. Then there'll be more happier people around in the world :)
Yours, Ray..2:09 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Yes yes yes, kinda weird to blog in the middle of the night especially when i have to meet the teacher tml for consultation and presentation during the afternoon.
BUT, you need some place to vent your dulan-ess (ANGER) . ARGHHH. The only person i can complain to is sabbie -.- cause the rest of the people who i'll really talk to is fast asleep now. Then there's mr yt. But i dun dare pls. I think ending = i get scolded cause i too stupid :D
SOOoooooooo. What's the content for my dulan-ness ;x. NVM, ask me. It's just tired + sian x 9999999.
I think i need more protons + maintain the "life's good" policy that i adopt recently. AND I THINK SOME UNCONTACTABLE *^%#& need to contact me asap, because it's kinda urgent a few days back.
Oh well, the world's square and the sea is yellow. What does it make you think of ?
**** THANK YOU SABBIE AND YT.................. NOW IM LAUGHING, ONE SHI MU, ONE SPLIT PERSONALITY =x OKAY SERIOUS, thank you thank you thank you 0.0001 dulan-ness left :D *****************
Yours, Ray..1:47 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sometimes in life, you get emo.
Sometimes in life, you think you need some alcohol
Sometimes in life, you lost your sense of direction
But they're around !!
They are there when you're hungry !

They are there when your hair is gold, CHAO AH BENG !!

Some of them are bimbos -.- !

But they do look like business course people

They get a little jumpy sometimes.

And sometimes, i've to be full time photographer, NB

But, it's still one of the best thing to know them

And that's something that make life less emo, and more smiles.
Neverthelessly, i din forget my old friends, YOU GUYS ROCKS STILL.
Sentosa pict you idiotsssssss

Miss Sabbie and Mr Yt in particular, THANKS!!
And there're so many others, like noobcake, shaz, FP, UNITs and so many more.. That's why i say, i shouldn't be emo, cannot be emo. Because they make life good :)
Yours, Ray..10:59 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Siulung is a slacker ! Bet that's what UNITs ppl will say. BUT I REALLY STRESS LA NB.Okay so before i really actually really start studying ( *looks at the clock and gasp) i decided to do a... erm short blogging.
I think i think i think i always can make my life upside down myself. Just like today, everything was okay okay okay okay okay till i take jokes too seriously and go all emo. Omg ! Ray goes emo again. Yup i think i really really really need to slap myself awake and drown myself with toilet bowl water till i can stop emo-ing everytime and keep giving attitude problem to close friends ALAMAK.
Neverthelessly the good thing is that whenever some shit happen , i will always send some people to whack the shit outta whichever super good friend who always joke with me but i always end up emo myself.
Okay, i'm kidding. Whew, the good thing is that whenever i have problem with any friends or anyone else. I'm glad everything will end up okay. This shows that effective oral and effective writing is important because communication is important. Because communication resolve conflict and problem. Oh shit, i think i'm thinking too much schoolwork. I bet nyp-ers are gonna kill me !
So, last but not least to the biggest NOOB + kb + I duno why from noob cake become fish cake + Everytime joke joke joke make me laugh when im emo + everything rang me ++++ friend, sorry ar so many nonsense everytime woohoooo and thanks NNBCB ;D
Yours, Ray..1:21 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Sadly, nope. Ever since i really really really seriously seriously seriously sweared that i quit smoking on 27th dec, 3pm , i've really quitted.
Despite the urge to go and buy a pack and smoke this few days , i din , cause i remember all the people who told me not to smoke, and NO SORRY, i won't disappoint em and make them give up on me ^^
Neverthelessly, i chatted with quite alot of people yesterday, a couple of them on msn and a couple of them via sms. It feels good to know that no matter how sucky i feel, i've friends who bomb me with nonsense to make me laugh wholeheartedly.
AND YOU NOOBS KNOW WHO YOU ARE, so i SHALL NOT NAME IT OUT. Okay, maybe i'll just do the first alphabet out : E , F , M, J, P ..... ITS OBVIOUS ENUFF ALREADY LA NB !
Still, thanks a million for all the nonsense. I had a super good sleep last night, and i'm feeling great now because life is good !
Yours, Ray..11:35 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008

Oh well.
Okay shit -.- I think i've been a bit overly emo-ed this few days. Despite tiring myself everyday, i still manage to get emo at night nb.
And i compromise something with myself, but still, somehow i'm unable to stick with it. I made a point to myself to follow it, follow it , follow it. Yea, it's hard, sian.
But i'm too tired already, too tired this few days. Too tired of thinking and thinking and thinking. I decided to stick with what i compromise myself, i know i still feel super fcuk up now. Neverthelessly, i've to throw this away.
You always gain something and lose something. Dun weigh the lost, remember what you gain. And that's enough.
Thanks, sorry, bye.
Yours, Ray..9:21 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Reality................. oh well.Yup, as the picture suggest, school has started once again. The xmas eve celebration with the SKs, the UNITs xmas potluck at the condo, the UNITs chalet, huiling birthday celebration, the new year countdown with the noob all seem to be just yesterday..
As much as everyone hated, we're all sent back to how cruel the world is. STUDY OR DIE LIKE A BIATCH ! Project has been piling up like mad. One presentation down, one report down. And two more's up. Not forgetting the damn exam that's coming in feb and the fact that we'll all end up in a new class soon.
I'm still trying hard to find my existence in this fast pace reality. It's hard at times, really. When all your stupid and nonsensical thoughts pile up till you wanna scream. When all the troubles seem to aim you like it's on follow mode -.-
Still it never fails to bring a wide smile ^_______^ WHEN
-Having a little chat with a few goondoo and noob people be it in msn or just a simple sms.
-EMO-ing alone at gym :D
-Thinking back on the wonderful moments of 2007 like remembering the nonsense sang at the beach by nonsense people at the beach.
-Thinking about how two noob good friends of mine, two noob friends who duno each other never fail to kb me when meeting up, never stopping their nonsense and never failing to make me laugh despite how FCUK up i feel.
-Crapping in class, being called CAB by some CAL AND PAH
-You have a zebra keychain from huiling and portable ash tray from howen
So there's still a millionish million reasons to smile. STILL, sorry if i did any forms of attitude, because i do still have several dumb and idiotic mindsets that i can't get rid of.
Yours, Ray..12:37 AM
Saturday, January 5, 2008

I guess i've lost the past self. Partially of how i used to be in the past. I've lost all the resolutions i made in the past, all of the things i compromise with myself in the past.
I need to find parts of it back, though i aint sure if i'll be better off with what i am now, and how i think. I just need sometime to really think about everything now.
Yours, Ray..1:43 AM