Friday, November 30, 2007

WOOHOO, one week is gonna be over, but the sad thing is , i haven do my stats tutorial tml alamak.
Life has been all about school work and more school work. No gym this week, cause gym khaki just recovered (*SIGH A HEAVE OF RELIEF) and is super busy ! BUTTTTT, nvm, we've plenty of time to gym all we want =D
So, done with econs test and access test. Hmm, both should be able to pass i think. Cause i did put in an effort to study, really ! Nearly SMOKE today -.- cause i'm feeling damn sick and uncomfortable at school. BUT i did not smoke, refrain and refrain. Not gonna broke ALL the promises yea ?! Thanks 0709sssss, but im ok alrdy ! Cabbed home today with john , shuyee, yinmei. Everyone's real tired and im quite sick. Cabbed to gombak instead. Den saw aaron on the train. Chatted with him quite a while about lotsa things.
Sorry ar 4/7ers. Especially jinguo, daniel and aaron. Really dun feel like going to chalet, busy with school work, need the weekend to really rest a bit. Plus i'm running low on $$ this weekend.
I admit this few weeks' really packed. But life's still good. I no longer have any conflicts with my best-est friends, anyone of them. And i'm seriously very very pleased about it. Whew. Otherwise life will be emo emo and more emo =)
Hmm, went back to cck today, den went out to eat with my dad and bro. Alamak, super tired. Came back home, sleep a bit. Then came online and had a talk with a friend. A rather good friend whom i know for a short period of time only. Talked quite a bit today, about everything, no secrets yea. Thanks ar and please stop faking you this 'step-shy' GAL HAHAHA. And thank you, IM OK nowadays, nothing can affect me, not even the issue i told you about.
So, after that went to talk to a couple of friends on msn. OKay, time to stop blogging !
And the two of you if you fail = peng you dou bu yong zuo =D
Yours, Ray..1:13 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007

Sunshine after storm, the beginning of "PROTONS' :)
Life has been rather good for the past week. As in, despite the school work that's piling up like mad, i'm rather pleased and happy with life. Lesser problem now, lesser emo-ing nowadays.
Much of it lies in my own perception and of course to my super understanding friends =D. I've started reading a new book yesterday, a book that might seem stupid to some, but i kinda learn some stuff from it. One thing i read from the book is that whether our own paradigms are helping or hindering us. In order words, is our perceptions beneficial to us, or dragging us down.
Personally, i admit my perceptions in the past has been dragging me down, lots. Be it my grades, or the failing friendships, i have only myself to blame. But it's never too late to start i guess. I've long abandoned those idiotic and childish thoughts behind me.
We are constantly growing up and getting more exposed to reality and how things are meant to be. But neverthelessly, i'll continue to be the idiotic and childish friend who does all the funny thing and bugs people endlessly, SO BEWAREEEEE ^^
Last but not least, one thing i've read and started to apply : Treat others the way you want them treat you.
It may seem really simple a phrase, but what matters is whether you can actually apply it in life, towards each and everyone around you. Try it, do it, and you'll reap what you sow.
Yours, Ray..9:58 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hmm. This weekend that i look forward to kinda got a little disappointing. Was planning to really really enjoy this weekend, cause finally marketing project's down, presentation down, statistic ica down. But due to some problem, some plans were cancelled. But it's okay ar, plans can always push forward to another weekend dun wry, we can still enjoy another day! :D
So, last week was pretty stress up. Lotsa stuff to do. Especially marketing project that really cost me a lot of my precious sleep. So, finally everythings' over. Enjoyed myself pretty much despite the hard work. Especially the time spent with my classmates and the babi friend ^^
Then, wednesday went to gym with huat. TRAINING TRAINING TRAINING. But somehow that day like super no energy LOL. After that went back to chiong project like madd. Thursday skipped morning lesson alamak. Really can't wake up for lesson. Just went for school for access presentation. Then it's home again for project.
Had a change of plan this weekend. Instead, went out with my bro, keong, terry, weisin. Weisin drove us to timah for pool ! So, went for a few rounds of pool, before my hand got itchy and went to change lotsa $1 coins for the photo hunt. Got to know a new friend there alamak LOL. Someone who's one pool table away came and help me with the photo hunt . POWER -.- Take for instance i can't find a single clue and he manage to find all 5 alamak :x
Then after that, went to atm to get some $$ and went to buy drinks for the rest and my new 'friend' LOL. Hmm, after that went for supper at opposite timah. Shit , i think i'm gaining SOME excessive weight LOL. Drank milo dinosaur, ate a sausage and egg prata, one BIG roti-john and 5 sticks of satay.
Sooooooooo, sin drove us to keong hse downstairs. Then, i went over to 7-11 ALONE. And i did not get lost, i think i'm getting my sense of direction back ^^ Okay, so he drove us home after that, thanks !
Not sure what plan i have tomorrow, but the plan for this weekend will be push forward to a week later maybe, DUN WRY, im ok with it. WE WILL ENJOY THEN. AND I OWE SOMEONE A TREAT as an apology ;D
ANYWAY, to sab and yt, one more day to 2 years le. Grats in advance.
To keongie : BON VOYAGE, have an enjoyable trip and seeya in january, I WAN GO GENTING AND GYM ! I mean gym in singapore and go genting also LOL
And to my gym khaki, eh -.- Take care la, recover asap pls. If not no one go gym with me how ?! JOKINGGGG GYM NOT IMPT, HEALTH MORE IMPT !! Recover soon arrrr, take care of urself pls. Cya in school on monday and im sure you'll be ok by then ;D !
Yours, Ray..1:54 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sometimes in life, you feel very fcuk up, and your friends are all busy can you can't talk to them BUT, 人生就是这样.... (*waves at miss su and mr low)
TIME TO BLOG ABOUT THE WOOHOO WEEKENDS. Met up with super duper good friends during the weekends !
Satuday :
Went to swim ! Ok, nearly can't wake up if not for my dad. Luckily he woke me up and also drove me to the swimming complex ~
Okay, kinda surprised this time round , some ..... really put in an effort to sleep early the previous night and wake up on time,NOT BAD AR. So, went to swim + tann and talked quite a bit about everything. It's always good to have someone to blabber all your nonsense and problems to !
After that went down to lot one for lunch. Wasn't sure where to eat, so stoned there for 5 SECONDS and went to pastamania. Chicken sausage pasta is nice, but tomato soup is .... AHEM.
So, after the sad closing down of pool temporary, we're left with nothing to do. Instead, went to the arcade ! Where someone got awefully stressed up with time crisis 3 LOL. I'm just glad i din play. MAYBE NEXT TIME ?!
Went back home after that for a good, longggggggggg sleep.
Sunday :
Woke up early to go the airport. Grandma's going to HongKong and coming back next month~ Ate lunch there with my family, and then went down to jurong for gym. I'm getting WEAK WEAKER WEAKEST. BUTTTT, i'll work harder and harder and harder ;D. Gymed for quite a while and went down to swim despite the aweful weather.
Sat down at the sprinkler section where i got super duper emo for awhile, ok not awhile, QUITE SOME TIME. PS, NEXT TIME WONT LIKE THAT I SWEARRRRRRR.
So swam for a while and went to eat chicken cutlet -.- . Should have gone to kfc instead, shit. BUT, there's still plenty of time, sooooooo.......... next time :) ANYWAY, it's a goooood day towards the eating part LOL SRY.
Soooo, after that we went off alrdy. Met up with the BIG clique at cck park. People present were hmm....... If my memory dun fail me : Aaron, wen jin, benjamin, luffy, melisa, suhui, huimin, geraldine, denisey. Thennnn. i reached and a while more, daniel came with dallas.
Sat down there and got guailan-ed by some ... called aaron and daniel. U TWO WILL HAVE YOUR KARMA SOON ! Soooooo. chatted quite a bit and went down to pasar malam eat a bit. Hmm, after that = some stupid moments at the passageway to lot one .. some huggings and ...... LOL, i mean the pictures at the wall ^^
Soooo, some left after that and eugene came to join us, went down to mac to eat abit. And there's where all the nonsense started -.- . Where the two philosophers' Miss su and Mr low started all the ren sheng jiu shi zhe yang ( Life's like that ) from all the things -> piling of sweets and stuff. AND CONSTANTLY SHOOTING ME CAUSE Of ...... ERM, somethings are not meant to be said and life's like that ^^
OK, went back home after that. Thought of putting up photos but for the sake of the reputation of the individuals involved, NVM , check my hp for more information LOL. Anyway, great weekends to cover up all the nonsense thoughts i have ;)
*P.s : Thanks eh fp , sab and randy -.- dun wry im ok ;D
Yours, Ray..1:31 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
13/09/07 , i made a promise to myself to quit the frequent smoking when i've problems in life. But 9/11/07 i did it again.
And now i'll officially say here, i've stop smoking since 13/11/07. And i swear i'll try my very best to not do it again. For the &$@%$%@ who talked to me or kp me about tis issue this time round, thanks. I won't be a disappointment.
Okay, i hope i can earn some money soon -.- , otherwise i'm really broke now. To a fcuker friend, remember what i say today ^^
Yours, Ray..8:26 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
First of all sorry for the emo-ness this couple of days !
HAPPY DEEPAVALI. Finally a long holiday after sucha long time. Went down to town with my BEST-EST AND FCUK-IEST friend on that day LOL. To be exact the whole day ROAR.
So.... Walked around town like a maddy. Went to pool where i got thrashed terribly ;(
THENNN...... Went to arcade to play some weird game which is super funny but we got thrashed by the boss alamak -.- . THENNNN. IT'S PUZZLE FIGHTER TIME ROARRRRRRR. But we can't get anymore token cause it's closed for the day OMG. That's like the worst thing that can happen SAD.
Then it's DINNER TIMEEE. And i went back home after that. Super tiring day, but it's a well spent holiday, tyty ;D.
School as usual.... BORING SCHOOL.
Then at night went down to westmall with my bro, keong and terry. Caught the movie game plan. WOOHOO. It's a super nice movie, really. It's quite funny but some parts of it is quite touching alamak.
Maybe cause i'm quite emo for that couple of days so it appears to be pretty touching for me. LOL. So, after that went to eat supper. I think i'm becoming fat ALAMAK. I ate a plate of char-siew and SHAO ROU rice, a ice tea, and 3 ROTIS. SHIT.
I'm super super super emo on that day. Partly cause i'm thinking shit again. Met up with the UNITY BIG BIG CLIQUE at cck. What i did was walked away from them and ask melisa to call me when everyone arrives.
So everyone's there and we went to board the train. Took out my earpiece plug them in , and started playing the game in my handphone as if no one ever existed.
One funny thing that happenned in the train is that a lady got molested by a bangala -.- . Not sure if she's just faking it or what, she's in front of me, but i'm too absorbed in my own world of music and game and EMO AND EMO AND EMO that i din notice a thing until she started shouting, threatening to call the police.
So, reached marina mrt and took the bus to steamboat. That's when my emo-ness all goes away. Thanks to daniel and eugene -.-. THe two crappiest person i ever met. ALL THE NONSENSE THAT MADE ME NEARLY GO MAD OMG.
So, steamboat ! We ate a lot -.-. I ate the whole plate of satay chicken since no one's taking it. And mr low ate at least two big plates of black pepper chicken. And then mr bao and low CONSTANTLY tag team the whole of yesterday. HOW DELIGHTFUL. MUAHHAHA.
So it's a full full stomach when we left ~ Went back to cck, suppose to ton but in the end din. Aaron came to join us and three of us walked back home. Done a lot of talking on the way back. And went to exercise HAHAHA. AND WE RAN AWAY FROM A CAT WHO'S chasing us omg -.- Because we're kind hearted and dun wan it to be the target of a car accident. How kind can we be LOL.
Suppose to be going to swimming today. But someone just cant seem to wake up HAII. SADED x 999999999999999.
Bye peeps, i'm ok again ;)
Yours, Ray..3:37 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Alamak, i realise i haven blog for ages again. Guess i'm getting really lazy, so let me write a bit more emo first. I should stop reading emo blogs -.-, cause i'm like so damn affected by what others wrote.
I think i've stoned here for an hour thinking of how to begin this post cause my brain's so fcuking filled up with thoughts alamak. Let me open some emo songs first ;D. Ok. So here goes.
So ya, life has been good despite some problems and conflicts that constantly keep rising and disappearing after that. Eh. So ya, i've my best-est friends around since school starts till now. Some from my class, some from other class. Despite the conflicts im still glad i have them arnd. Otherwise school will seem really boring and meaningless.
Den there's more friendship that's going down the drain. Not because of conflicts or what, but just that there's a lot of differences such as different school, different timing, and stuff like that.
It just makes me realise that , nothing is lasting. Even your closest-est friends can't stay with you for long. And when i start to think like this, it just makes me wonder whether putting an effort in all the friendship now is gonna make any difference afterall.
And sometimes i keep having doubts for everyone arnd me wtf -.- . It's like i keep thinking whether i'm doing the right thing by treating some friends as close friends, or am i just making a fool outta myself in front of others. Like doing all the silly things that no other idiot would do. Alamak, i know i shouldn't be typing things like that and should really place trust on everyone arnd me, but that's just what i feel for now. ps ps.
Ok, i seriously think i'm someone with SUPER SUPER SUPER low confidence and someone who needs hell lotsa talking and assurance ROAR. Eh, i think i should stop emo-posting.
Ok, last but not least. A very happy birthday to Mr Y.T who owes us sushi for such a long time. And also, thanks for all the talks with regards to some *%&@%@& problem i have a couple of months ago. And i will really STUDYYYY.All i can say is that i really appreciate it. Thanks and enjoy your day ;D + BANKAI !!!!!!!!!
Yours, Ray..12:20 AM