Sunday, October 21, 2007
Thanks for popping a conversation at the wrong time, clem. hahahah. You've been a great help ,except the bloom part LOL.
Yours, Ray..3:37 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
In the middle of lesson now alamak.
Life has been pretty good nowadays. Despite the fact that it's the first week of school, i've been going out like practically everyday after school. The only thing that is terrible is that i think i'm pretty exhausted nowadays. Late nights, little sleep and irregular timing for food that causes the usual gastric pain.
I'm like dozing off and nothing is going into my mind now ;D. BRB BLOG AT HOME
Yours, Ray..2:17 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
ALAMAK. i duno why i'm back to my emo emo emo days again. I guess the more happy i am the more emo i get ? ROAR.
I always have a stupid thought when life's going on real smooth. Especially when i'm with my friends, i'll think about this. It is that what will happen if i lose the bunch of people around me. The bunch of people whom i enjoyed with when i'm out and stuff like that.
And then i've got a friend who's somewhat like an older bro for me. Someone who lectures me when i'm doing the wrong thing or when i'm thinking like a babi. And someone who involves me when going out and many many more, which is very unlike that of some other friends i met. Yet somehow, i don't seem to treasure everyone around me. Often to the extent that i'm getting too used to it and treat it like it's what others ought to do.
And at times it's the little things that people do and say that leaves a deep impression in a person's mind. I don't wanna say about the different things that each and everyone did or said that leaves a deep impression in mine. Here's some of them.
One of them is that a friend whom i've known for about a month then bought me medicine when i'm real sick in school. And also lecturing me when i'm buying crappy food and stuff like that. Perhaps it is of no importance to the rest, but for me, at least, i feel that the friendship is there. It's the little things that people do without deliberate that makes you feel whether they are true or not.
Another instance will be ..... ALAMAK, the sad show on tv is making me more emo ahhaha. Damnit -.- . okok, back to the story.
This time round it's just something the earlier older __ER i know said. It's just something my friend said while watching movie one fine day LOL. Bet you've clean forgotten about it by now. But ok ar i've got super duper good memory so i still remember it now ^^. Like i said it's the things people said that leaves an impression. It might just be a passing remark or some kinda lie or what shit. But if it's something of importance to me , i'll remember it.
Yours, Ray..2:44 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I got the most ridiculous question ever today haha. It's about whether one can be best friend with someone of the opposite sex without any special feelings.
Well, personally i can ;D. I can draw a clean line between the one i have special feeling for and really close friends.
And then i'm asked to name one best-est friend i have. Then two. And i was like alamak. I've got 4 i can name, two guys and two gerls. SOOOOO. I ended up not naming. And ya, that was one 'stressful' brainstorming section. Having to choose between which friend is closer amongst the best-est friend. You can try thinking over it yourself now ROAR.
But ya, life has been good so far. I've got the best-est friends in the entire universe. I've got friends i can confide in, friends to go out with , friends to talk crap with, friends to game with , friends to swim with, friends to work with, friends to skate with, friends to............ ROAR, i'm getting naggy.
Whatever it is, i'll treasure the way life is now. And i won't change my character for anyone because this is who i am.
Cheers, cause i'm finally becoming who i really am again ;)
Yours, Ray..6:26 PM
This week is busy busy busy busy. Busy in the sense that i'm out like everyday and that i'm racking my brain both planning and thinking nonsense.
Been out to a lot of places. Movie at night, town-ing , ice skating, science centre, etc etc.
Anyway, i'm starting to get a bit of positiveness back now. Partly due to going out everyday and most importantly a wake up call from a close frd again. An official sorry here for the nonsense and craps i've provided over this period of time. Yea, i knew i've gone over the limit tonnes of times. Thanks for bearing with it WORST-EST and BEST-EST friend. Hopefully i'll be back to my past again ;D.
Sooooo.......... Here's some of the photos !
Yes, no more kp i know that, u dun have to put a BIG SIGN FOR IT ;D
Okay, this shop is at taka damnit =.=
OK, i've no idea why i saw this.
Yours, Ray..4:04 AM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Really lazy to update so yea. Done a lot of things during the holiday.
Swimming in particular, also steamboat, chalet, rollerblade, pool, kbox, drinking, movie, tonnes of supper. And of course working like mad. It's tiring no doubt. But i have to admit this is one of the most awesome holiday so far.
Like i said, what really matters is your own perception. Whether or not life's hell or heaven really depends. You can make your life miserable by feeling emo all day, or just enjoy life, ignoring the problems and burdens and party all day. And sometimes, you really have to open up to everyone around you.
Two regrets so far ! Firstly, wasting my sec sch life and not enjoying life like now. And secondly, not getting into PJC , DAMNIT HAHHA.
But it's ok ~ Better to be late than never. Lastly, cheers to all the peeps for making my life interesting. WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO.
Yours, Ray..4:30 PM