Sunday, August 26, 2007
Din upload photos the other day, so here goes !
BM0709 =D

Yep, my class, they are the best, really.
The SKs , PKs, GLKs [all the Ks at kbox.]
But YALA, thanks for being there hahah

A super duper old photo. Maybe a few weeks ago.
Ice-skating rocks, really. =]
Yours, Ray..9:51 PM
This is a long post since i din blog for this couple of days.
Been out lately. Before our last paper,met up with huat and ivan at sbw mac and studied the whole night. The paper is still as tough -.- . After the paper, went down to sentosa with my class. People present were me, junhong, howen, lionel, raulf, brandon, huiling, fishball, shuyee, gurlaine, yinmei, pearlyn, siti, wanqi, vanessa, shuxin, cordelia, nasim and brandon's gf.
So, we played volleyball , captains ball etc. After that I went to take the skyride and luge ride with junhong, huiling, shuyee, gurlaine, vanessa, cordelia, shuxin and wanqi. I'm glad we went for the ride. Cause it's really awesome and thanks to jh's card, it's $5 only =x.
After that, we went to vivo for dinner at pasta mania. Went back home after that~ Time out for that day : 20 hours -.-. So went back home to make plans for the next day and went back to sleep.
Woke up and went online. After a while, changed and went to meet up with lynda at cck. Then went to take the mrt and eventually met up with everyone. People present : Angelyn, Edmund, Huat, Ivan , Jeraldine, Lynda, Some funny things happened. hahah. This involves running from one end of the train to the other and alighting at one station while leaving one member on the train =x.
So, went down to cine for dinner. An i ate 3 types of ice there, it's delicious though. After that went up to kbox =D . Halfway through singing, went to pool with ivan. Sad place, hahaha, dun ask me why. After that, went back to sing! You won't want to know how crazy we went.
Edmund left early to meet up with his friends. After singing, was planning to cab home. So jer and ivan left first. The rest of us were kinda hungry, so walked back to the hawker opposite cine but it's closing already. Instead, cabbed down to newton for supper. Delicious supper comprising of fried kway tiao, prawn noodle, mee goreng, fried rice and satay ! So, we all cabbed home after that.
Woke up , bathed, changed and went down to cityhall to meet up with huiling and mohan. Went to eat sakae at citylink. Long time since i last ate sushi. YUMYUM. hahah. So, chatted and joked while eating. Was damn full by the time we finished the food =x
After that, went down to marina square to see if there's any movie. Ended up watching Borne Ultimatum. Erm, i'm not sure , but maybe it's because we din watch the rest of the movie, so it's kinda boring for us LOL. Nearly fell asleep in the cinema too.
After 987654321 years, the movie ended. Took the mrt and went down to sembawang. Waited for the bus to get to our destination. And one uncle is blind not to stop the bus ahah. So, took 859 and went down for prata ! Ate the double egg prata, i must admit the prata there is delicious. GOOD RECOMMENDATION ~~
Okay, after that took the bus. I'm suppose to be the only one alighting, but they ended up alighting with me -.- . Hai, do my face paint the words : I have no sense of direction ? They have to accompany me to take mrt when it's just a traffic light away. Saded x 100000000. So went back home after that.
Rested at home the whole dayyyy, gamed the whole dayyy. Don't feel like online-ing msn now =D. Anything give me a call or msg peeps. Ciaos. And enjoy the holiday =]
Yours, Ray..2:13 AM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
One song that i've been listening to. And yea, it's just what i need now haha. For all fellow baskets who's reading this, im back ~
BOYS LIKE GIRLS LYRICS : The Great EscapePaper bags and plastic hearts
All are belongings in shopping carts
It's goodbye
But we got one more night
Let's get drunk and ride around
And make peace with an empty town
We can make it right
Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight
Tonight will change our lives
It's so good to be by your side
But we'll cry
We won't give up the fight
We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs
And they'll think it's just cause we're young
And we'll feel so alive
Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight
All of the wasted time
The hours that were left behind
The answers that we'll never find
They don't mean a thing tonight
Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight
Yours, Ray..6:40 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
After a LONGG 'counselling' last nightttt, i think im much better. Hell yea, fcuk the past and just live my life the way i wanna be now. What matters is the present. PAISEH ARH, make u all sacrifice your precious sleep. And thanks, hahaha, cause whatever shit i have in poly, you all are always around. SEE PROPERLY I SAID THANKS .
Let me begin with my stupid-est entry ever.
I swear im gonna learn to get my sense of direction. For you're gonna find me dumb after what happened today -.- .
First, i've walked the path with my friend leading me for at least 4 times, and now, i can still get lost ! So what can you do when you get lost ? Check out the nearest road sign !! But in the end, i realised that the destination i wanna get aint displayed on the sign -.-
Ended up anyhow crossing one road. Then i realise there's this pek pek in front of me ! Out of no choice, i decided to follow him . ( I AM NOT A STALKER ^^ ) . In the end ,after a loonnnngggg period of stalking, i managed to reach the mrt in one piece !
TADAA !! Presenting to you : Savior of the day ~~
The last funny thing that happened is that i went into 7-11 in the hope of getting a drink to quench my thirst. Manage to get it, and when i went out of the 7-11, i nearly banged myself into a shelf of magazines. Reason being : I've forgotten where is the doorrrrrr.
Conclusion : I must cure myself of tempoemo tempokisiao illness + no sense of direction =[
Yours, Ray..8:52 PM
In the past, by now, after what i said, i would have apologised. Yea, perhaps i would have really typed that out a moment ago. The urge is there, really, perhaps guilt. But in the end, i din type it out.
Is that a good start maybe ? But somehow, i don't exactly feel good afterall. Then what is it that i want.
Whatever, nights people.
Yours, Ray..4:58 AM
Ray, if you can't study, that's your fcuking business, dun be a burden to others or waste their time.
Ray, don't blame others for not being around, blame yourself for not contacting them.
Ray, it's really time to wake up from everything, and face reality, it sucks, but you can't be a kid for life.
Ray, it's time you change, such words have been repeated since ages ago, when will you ever put your heart in it and really change yourself.
Ray, it's really time to toss away your past and be someone else.
If I toss away my past, who do I really wanna be , i wonder .
Yours, Ray..3:10 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Been out studying lately. Pia-ing for the coming exams. A little last minute but at least it's better than nothing i guess ! Let's all just work hard for this short period of time and party the rest of our holidays away ( yea right , WORK!! ). OK, back to studies, all the best peeps.
Beware the stare of Mary Shaw, she had no children, only doll.
And if you see her, do not scream. Or she'll rip your tongue out at the seam
Yours, Ray..2:28 PM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Was waiting for photo so din blog for this couple of days. First i wanna say a sorry first. To different groups of friends i went out with. Dun exactly know what's wrong, but sometimes i just go silent all the way.
So, sunday went down to suntec for sabbie's final ! szekai came down with xiaoki to join us. So, watched sabbie sang ! Yea, her vocal is forever the same, the kind that can really make you touched. So, the rest of the people who were present were yanting, terry, baoyu, xiuhui, steffie, claudia etc.
So after that is result time ! sabbie manage to get to top six. Afterall it's one of her first competition, and getting to top six is tough already ! I think i'll get kicked out at first round =x. Ok, after announcing the result, we went to KFC ! sabbie treat us hahah. Then went to take some photo and took the mrt to cck, den cabbed home !
Don't worry, though im quite quiet that day, i still enjoyed myself. Thanks for all the jokes and everything not only during finals, but all the rounds that i went, really appreciate it. Though i shine LIKE A DAMN LIGHT TOWER, but it's nice to be around, hahaha really.
Okay, then monday went to sch early to submit things to the sch office, before heading to woodlands to get breakfast. Then met up with a couple of gd friends and went to study together ! Okay, maybe studied a bit only hahah.
After that went down for job interview ! It's not even an interview, cause all we did is to fill up the form. Then then then, i duno why, we went to tour the supermarket LOL. They always bring me to weird weird places.
Soooo, after that walked around quite a bit and went to take the mrt back home !
And yea, im glad i met this bunch of friends. Unlike others, they always try to involve me in what they do, and any other things. And ya, i realise, sometimes i got a bit of attitude prob in msn or outside, sry for that , and thanks for everything lol.
Ok thats enough of nonsense, time for photos.

The best-est and nice-est couple i ever met, thanks.

Sabbie and baobao =D

Shiying and sabbie ( wo bu neng shuo de mi mi =x )

Sabbie with auntie and uncle =D

Steffie, sabbie, xiuhui, baoyu !

I dunno why i always umchio when im taking photo LOL

I always enjoy myself with them, really.

Us at KFC !!

Professional yt's snapshot lol
Yours, Ray..1:29 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Ok, today's the last day of the semister. Ups and downs in poly life. But i'm glad that poly life is great now. So, went to pom lecture today, got sabo-ed by the lecturer to present HAHA. but i din, instead, i ran away from the front of the lecture hall.
So, lesson ended, after that met up with SHOU XING GONG ivan, huat, edmund, lynda, jer, angel and went for econs lecture. After that angel and jer went to accounts tutorial and the rest of us stayed in the lecture hall. Lotsa nonsense, but it's damn funny LOL. Say... Some freaky newsreport that happens every 1 minute and hai, paikia wrestlings =[ .
After that went back home, manage to catch a wink, den woke up at 6, bath and left home. Went to J8 to collect cake ~ Den went down to city hall. As a No sense of direction fool, i manage to follow the signboards and reach marina square in one piece. Sooo, went to arcade to find them and joined them for a few rounds of pool. People present were : SHOU XING GONG ivan, huat, edmund, dale, lynda, jer, angel.
After pool, we went outside of marina square and sat down, ate the cake a while. Before we get all messy -.-. Cake smashing, cake smearing on the faces. And yes, Mr Ivan smash the cake at my face .and he also manage to smash the cake onto huat who can't run cause his pants is dropping rofl ! But i realise that he is the one who is most jialat and he looks the dirtiest HAHA.
Soo, after that went to clean up , and bought some coke from mac ! Mix it with the vodka i brought. I'm not drunk reallyyyyy. I SWEARRRR. After drinking for awhile, went to 7-11 and bought cup noodle LOL. Manage to finish it quite fast and then drank a little more and we decided to go back home.
Jer was in a rush home, so she went off with angel, edmund, dale to the mrt. And i stayed with huat and ivan and waited for lynda. BUT, I DUNO WHY. In the end, we ran around like MAD to find lynda. We nearly got lost in the carpark there, cause all the doors' are locked ! [p.s - this is the most fun part of the day LOL, reallyyyy ] So, manage to find herrrrrr, and the rest of them came back to us, cause the citylink's doors are locked and they can't get to the mrt.
In the end , all of us took the cab homeeeeee and here i am !
Okay, it was definitely a memorable last day of poly first sem. Though a lot of things happen previously but im glad i have my friends around. hahhaa. Friends who i talk to, friends who will ask me out and stuff . THANK YOU LA, NO MORE FRIENDED OK =x
It was a good day, really, thanks xD. And NAH, happy belated birthday IVAN.
Yours, Ray..1:35 AM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Time to blog again, getting lazy nowadays.
Tuesday - Morning woke up at 10 and went for a swim. Then after that faster went back home, changed & went to school as usual. After lesson met up with my bro, sk, cw and some random ah lian and went to town. Caught the movie disturbia, not a bad show.
Yesterday woke up at 6 and went to school. And my breakfast = 2 extra strong panadol + a bottle of mineral water. Luckily management tutor let me sleep during her lesson. So.. normal lesson till internet and web, where we had our presentation. After the presentation , i went back home IMMEDIATELY, left my laptop at home, and then went out to school again to collect shuyee's stats book and the notes for photocopying.
Met a couple of soon-to-be 'HI BYE' GD FRIENDS at yck mrt. Soooo, chatted for a while, and then i went to school to collect things. And when i went back, @_@ . They were still there, ok that's a surprise lol. So, chatted a while more ( to be exact GL a little while more ) and then took the mrt and went to dhoby.
Was supposingly goin to meet up with some old friends, but ended up goin to plaza sing mac to meet up with huiling and her FRIEND. They keep bickering hai. And it's super funny. And i think i look exceptionally bright when im there. Ok, shant elaborate more before you see i go to school tomorrow and get bashed.
Ok, then after that went to fish and co for a while and went back home early.
Last but not least, happy birthday to amelia.
Yours, Ray..7:52 PM
Friday, August 3, 2007
It's weekend once again. Went to school for management lecture at 8. Then went to buy breakfast back to lecture hall and bought some for my friends too. So after that's eoc lesson. Quite boring, did a dry run for the test next week. So, din go to suntec with the rest of my classmates.
Instead, went to town with my bro, sk, cw and some of their classmates. So, took the mrt and went to shaw for lunch. Sooooo, sat there for quite a while and then proceeded to cine for movie. Went to catch the movie 'Perfect stranger'. Trust me it aint worth your money, really. After the movie, went to fareast. Chatted a while with huiwen who's working there, and then went to walk around and then went to take the mrt home. Going out with PEOPLE will cut my lifespan by 10 years. Hai.
Anyway, today is the last day I'm suppose to be online for a group of friend, and the last time i'm suppose to go out with another ? We shall see =x
Yours, Ray..11:26 PM
3/8 - LAST DAY?! HAHA. Time to move on kiddo ray.
Yours, Ray..1:20 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
So long since i last blogged. Okay, that's a lie. Went to school today for 2 hours of econs. Turned out to be just an hour plus. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day, 8am lesson till 1pm. So, had the boring econs lesson this afternoon.
After that went down to town to meet up with my bro, sk and cw. Went to heeren and bought a pair of jeans. Finally after such a long time. Sooooo, the plan after that was to go back home, and i mentioned about travelling to marina den going back so i can sit in the mrt -.-.
BUT, we ended up goin to marina for steamboat. My hand is rotting now, yea the butter is scary. Delicious though xD. Sooo, ate and ate and ate, talked and talked and talked. And finally took the mrt back home.
Another enjoyable day, photos shall do the talking !

Cw , Ash , Sk

Emo-pified HAHA

Yea, im studless, what a guai kia =D


Steamboat @ marina~

Sk & Ash
Yours, Ray..12:41 AM