Friday, June 29, 2007
One week of school's over finally. This few days went home together with my friends, lotsa talking, crapping and fun on the mrt. It's cool to have company on the way home ~
So, got back quite a lot of test and im satisfied with the result. Part of the credits goes to all my friends who keep asking me to study hard and partly to dale and yinmei -.- Gotta thank dale for helping me with stats in the middle of the night and yinmei for lending me her books, owe u all a treat, come and claim from me ASAP before it expires !
So, life's been great this week, everyday is a no-emo day xD. Wish i'll be able to organise a class outing for the class~ But not sure if it'll be successful though, thought of night safari or ice-skating, gotta check with everyone first! And im glad to announce, i have 27 friends in my class, with one exception who always din come to sch , so ya =x.
Okay, last of all, please help vote : vote per day = 10
Anyway, she's my god sister for 11 years+ already, she's one of the nicest person i met and yea, she's pretty to make it in the list. And i'll swear with my life that, it's worth your vote, thanks a lot =]
Yours, Ray..1:42 AM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Decided to write this entry here.
Hasn't been myself this couple of days. As in with my friends. Don't know why, just that a lot of stuff don't appeal to me now. Probably too tired cause of working real late nowadays. Say sleeping earliest at 4am and at once 9am.
Friendship's deteriorating with some friends. Not that I don't bother, but there's really nothing much i can do. Friends come and go easily, but however short the period may be, i'll still be glad to know anyone out there.
Not at all emo, just stating a random fact. Maybe i'll find myself back someday.
Yours, Ray..11:08 PM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
3 crazy friends stayed awake till 6 in the morning. 1 doing school work, one studying and one chatting. And one crazier one ( me ) stayed awake till 10 -.- . HOLY. We're insaneeeeeee. Let's do it again someday........ NOT
Yours, Ray..3:53 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Woke up finally. Anyway, went out yesterday. Met up with aaron and daniel and took 190 to town. Then after that walked to somerset mrt to wait for the rest. Then gel, suhui, yelyn came.
Walked over to cine. Went to pasta mania to eat. Was quite full, so just ordered tiramisu. -.- It don't taste alright, trust me. Hmm, went inside left foot to take a look. Fell in love with a pair of converse shoes ! $199, but got 20% discount. ANYONE BUY FOR ME? Damnit, there's tonnes of things i need to buy, really need that spare cash nowadays.
So, after that went over to heeren. Most of the shops were closed. Hmm,then slack around a while, went to the mrt and mark came to join us. Then took the train back. Talked a lot on the train. Hope everythin will be fine soon, though i dun think things will become better.
Yours, Ray..2:36 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Just came back home, bath and i'm here to blog.
Woke up at 11 today. Went to swim as usual ! Then after that went to lot one to look for some stuff. Met sarah at lot one with her bf i think. SADDDDDDD =[ . LOL, just kidding. Anyway, went to look for my oldddddd anime, but can't find it, gotta run all over singapore to find it, sian.
So, came back home to rest and then went for guitar again. Learnt a lot more. Anyway, I wanna get a new acoustic guitar -.-. No money, anyone sponsor ?
Life's cool now, how i wish school won't start so soon, but oh well. Ciaos.
Yours, Ray..10:01 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
GOODLUCK PJers. -gone- bath
Yours, Ray..9:42 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Just came back home. Went to gym on wed with my bro, kk and terry. Then went to swim on thursday. Went back home to rest for a while + practise my guitar ! Then went to clem's place for guitar. JIALAT, my strumming still suck ! But, nvm, i'll practise hard. Not giving up ! At least im learning from someone i know, and definitely someone who can teach well, lol, rather than some random teacher outside.
Anyway,went to swim earlier this morning. Then went back home to rest and proceeded to yewtee mac.Met up with aaron, daniel, luffy at mac. Chatted for a while. Hmm, hasn't met up with them since holiday started. Anyway, after that took a cab back to settle some erm, urgent matters?
Then went to watch fantastic 4 with those that i went gym with. It's a great show. Interesting and damn funny. Dun mind watching it again LOL.
Okay, time to get back to tv, need some time to chill. Ciaos people !
Yours, Ray..1:31 AM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Ok, im back to alright already. LOL. partly cause of an adorable little boy i met while going back home. His parents were sitting beside me. So, i moved to the other seat so he can sit down and he was super shy. Instead of sitting odwn, he went to bury his head towards his parents. And he keep stealing peeps at me, afterwhich repeating the 'burying' action rofl. And he waved me
goodbye when he alight !
So back to the story. Woke up at 7. And my dad drove me to swim at 8. Saw a stretch of rainbow today. Not sure why, but i feel a surge of happiness, yet a lil sad. Probably cause it reminds me of the double rainbow at perth, and all the friends who went there tgt. Oh yea, btw i met jiale at cck today, she's one of those that took care of us when we're at perth. TY.
Okay, so after swimming, went to somerset mrt to meet up with my friends. All the people who were there : huiling, shu ai, fishball, pearlyn, yinmei, siti, vannessa, cordelia, howen and i -.- Quite a small amount of people to be called class outing. But at least it's a start~
SO, went to eat pasta mania. Where they keep constantly reminding me of CHICKEN RICE godamnit LOL. Then, after that we went to watch ocean 13 together. Quite a good show, despite being awfully worn out due to the swim earlier on. Hmm, so after the movie, went to play pool @@. The condition of the pool tables are great, but i still prefer blue table though HMM.
Ok, so after pool went to take mrt back.
Someday, you'll see two student on news. One for littering and one for eating food in the mrt =D.
First outing ended. Quite a good day afterall. Except for my eyes that's either too tired, or irritated by the pool water that somehow make me feel damn uncomfy the whole day.
A super cute cat i met after swimming ( it's sleeping =D )
Our movie tix -.-
Cine - Ocean 13.
EH DAMN RANDOM. a drawn teddy bear at kpool there LOL

Those that's left ( some leave earlier )
Yours, Ray..10:45 PM
Friday, June 8, 2007
Hohoho. At long last, 2 weeks holiday. Days pass by so fast. Gotta make a long entry about the whole poly process now.
Orientation first day was pretty scary at the beginning. Friendless, in a totally new and unfamiliar environment. First frd i noe was huiling LOL. Think she was the most enthu one at the beginning, she's two seats away from me, with junhong in the middle who's really an ANTI-SOCIAL back then as he din talk to me all the way in the hall -.- So after that went to play some game, and got to guailan my OGLS =D. Then i was saboed to be the performer of the class.
Second day of orientation went to rehearse for our performance. Met new friends from other class from my performing group. Our lady boss luoping, dale, sabrina, joel, m1 etc etc. So, rehearse and went to perform our skit. It was an awesome time spent with them. And for once, i was really damn enthu and happy.
So after orientation ended, school officially began. howen join our class and i got to know him thru salie. Hmm. I was so god damn enthu during the first few weeks of school. Be it in class, or doing schoolwork. And i actually manage to bond quite well with my class at the beginning. Dun forget i have a 'GIRLFRIEND' in class who have tonnes of flings when outside LMAO. And friends i eat potato wedges with during econs lesson, friends who help me tap my card when im not around, friends who always KB ME , friends who laugh, friends who joke. Wa, this is getting lengthy. ENOUGH.
Can't exactly remember all the outing we had. But i remembered through this few weeks i played pool with hui ling, shu ai, howen, junhong, lionel. And im practically becoming broke cause of excessive pool-ing. Those were some really fun times. Might be going for movie next tuesday, but it's not confirm yet.
But things took a turn and seriously, i lost that feeling i have towards school and my class. Perhaps partially of it is due to some problems and the rest of it is the school work and projects that's piling up and driving me crazy LOL. So yea, had my emo ,tired and sian days for a couple of weeks till yesterday. But im back now ASS-ES. Decided not to let the last day before holiday to be a bad one, so yea. Today's a great day.
Anyway, putting aside my classmates, the other poly friends i had came from dale LOL. It's good that we're in contact despite being in different class. Or i'll probably flunk my accounts, fail my speech ++++. Lucky i was sabo-ed during orientation lmao. Anyway, got to know some of his classmates from him. Lynda, angelyn, huat, edmund. Though i dun exactly know them well, but, yea, at least i got friends from other class and im proud of that HAHHAA.
Okay, shan't continue to blog, since it's long enough LOL. See ya all after 2 weeks POLY DUDES and DUDEGERESSES !
Yours, Ray..10:36 PM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Din turn up for lesson on Wed, was on MC and im ill, seriously. Slept at 4.30 last night. Rushing some work and chatting.
Went to school today and skipped stats lecture. Instead, went to the library to do the report and lab work. Skipped lunch too , sian -.-
Went for internet and web lesson. Quite some classmates din turn up. Hmm. Manage to leave 1 hour before the lesson since i done most of it beforehand =D
Then went to take mrt, just nice Dale, Lynda and Huat on mrt. So went to join them for a little chat and listen to them kb each other LOL. Despite being there for just a short period of time, it's good enough.
Anyway, couldn't go swimming with my friends. SIAN DIAO. 'LAOBU MORE IMPT OK'. But we shall go next week EVERYDAY. Ok, that's a little exaggerating lol.
Hmm, then went back home and my dad drove my mum, bro and I to the airport. Mum's going to sydney, hope she enjoys herself ! After that went to starbucks for my KOPI. Then went back home.
That's all for today! It's a pleasant day putting aside my terrible cough that is draining my life away.
Yours, Ray..10:10 PM
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Just another ordinary day at school. Potato wedges for lecture and msn chatting for tutorial, how cool. Project presentation during accting tutorial, then after that went back home. Whew, manage to joke around with my classmates during tutorial, back to normal eh ? not.
Anyway, went to changi aiport to send yelyn off on saturday together with aaron, daniel, eugene, suhui (in alphabetic orders lol). Hmm then after that went to bedok to eat. Ordered a plate of satays and some other food. Delicious =D. Then after that went to yewtee, two of them went to a friend house and the rest of us slacked around and took the NR3 back home.
Sunday, went to meet up with aaron, daniel, eugene, joel at cck stadium. Was suppose to go to gym, but ended up going swimming. Long time since i last swam, but swimmings' cool as usual. Damn relaxing, takes my mind off everything. Chatted a lot also, about school, class , life +++++. It always feels great to talk to my friends. After that went to lot one to grab some food, den went to segar to find suhui and chatted a while also. Then it's back home !!
Few more days till holiday. Kinda look forward to it now. Aint gonna go overseas, i wanna go out with my friends~ Kbox, east coast, chalet, bbq, supper, EVERYTHING ! Cya all soon =D

Saw this photo and took it from suhui's xanga. Argh, nostalgic name 'Unity'. Glad i manage to know quite some good friends there. Thanks people =]
Yours, Ray..12:33 AM
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Time to blog. Yest went to school. Came back home, slept and went out to watch movie with my bro, terry, kk, cx. After that went back home and continued sleeping since im real sick.
Thursday went to sentosa with my friends. People present were : Ger, yelyn, denisey, huimin, daniel, aaron, eugene, joel, sx, dallas, benjamin, me ! Met up at cck and went to sentosa. Lotsa sports on that day. Volleyball, touch-rugby, frisbee, swimming. WOA. Damn tiring, but lotsa fun there ! After a long day at the sentosa, we left at around 7 and went to vivo.
Went to eat since we're real hungry. After that we went to one of the 'playground' to slack and talk. Stayed there till around 11+ and we left and took the bus home.
Okay, writing it out might not convey the feelings of how fun it is. But we all know how fun it is and that's enough. Gotta say i really enjoy myself then.
Despite having a bad sore throat and fever of 38.7 after that. I'll still say this, if i know im gonna be real sick after sentosa and time rewinds, i'll still turn up =D. Cause it's damn enjoyable and im really happy, afterall, a break from studies and im able to meet up with my good friends !

Us at sentosa !

Eugene, Daniel, Me and Shengxun

I think im msging someone LOL

We're supposed to be emo, but oh well =D

Once again, US ~~!!
Yours, Ray..1:07 PM