Thursday, May 31, 2007
Stats test yesterday, ok bah, at least it's better than econs. Den after lesson went to kpool with huiling, howen, junhong. hai, no idea why, super sian then, not emo , but sian and moodless. PS bout it, hope din spoil the mood of anyone ~
Okay, so after that went out to get a drink, came back and went to play the photo hunt -.-. Its fun pls, but our fame = negative now. After that howen left to join his frds. The rest of us went to amk to eat. 'Dabao' curry and durian pancake. I'll probably have a tummyache real soon. Then i went and throw a coin into the fountain and made a wish, it shall remain private at least to the people reading this blog HHAHA, SERVE U ALL RIGHT FOR NOT BEING THERE =x.
So after that came back home, no guitar again tonight. Instead, went to yewtee meet shaz at around 7+ and pass her the book, den walked her over a while and went back to mrt to meet up with daniel. Went down to NYP, yes NYP! I'm pretty lost at sch damnit -.- . So , went to watch the basketball friendly match, dallas and daryl's playing, friendly match with nyp. Okay, so after watching the match i went home since im real tired.
Oh yea, thanks to dale for helping me out with stats last last midnight -.- . You were about to go to sleep, but still gotta trouble u, paiseh. Owe you a treat if i score well. AND, thanks to the three of u who INFLUENCED ME to study stats with u all LOL. At least i think i'll pass my stats now.
Some photos to do the talking.
THE COIN AT AMK ! I think some people might have taken it away by now -.-
Now then i realise our school have a stadium for us to run @@
Actually, im starting to like the school, yea, i mean it.
Ok, no idea who's in the photo, but i support red and they're not from nyp ^^
Yours, Ray..1:31 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Went to school early today. Met up with huiling, howen, junhong and studied microE. Then went to eat lunch and it's test time.
Damnit, it's tough. Guess i'll probably flunk it. Tomorrow's stats and i guess it will be worse. Haven study, i actually slept the moment i came home.
Anyway, after lesson went to kpool with howen and his friends yl and ah s. Not a bad day, some part of pooling was damn funny LOL -.- . Anyway, im sociable and no one can deny that now !
Ok, before i carry on, i gotta say i have no sense of direction for i dun even noe where is amk mrt SIGH. So took the mrt back after that and saw sabrina at cck.
Walked her to the bus stop and sat down there and chatted till around 2 buses passed and she left. 11 years since i know her. So many people come and go , but the good thing is that we're still in contact now ~
Cool day, except for the test part lol. ciaos.
Yours, Ray..10:47 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007
Still got a few questions left till i finish my accounts. But it's too late and i guess i'll just wake up earlier tomorrow. Im too tired.
Anyway, thanks and sorry for the trouble. Lucky there's a gd friend who sleeps so late and one who can teach me accounts despite being busy doing something else.
Sorry for being a noob AND THANKS FOR THE HELP, much appreciated, serious.
Yours, Ray..4:00 AM
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Hmm, went to gym this morning. Kinda overslept ~ OKOK. so went to gym with my bro and kk again. Tiring, but fun. Ran 4km today LOL. Finally i can run after being weak at running for all my sec sch days.
After that went to eat. Damn hungry cause we ate at round 4+. So after that went back home and i din touch my school work once again. Bah, i always promise to work hard during weekend, but i realise i always fail to do that. Anyway, no pool today since they will be stayingover at friend's house. So, used the com for the whole afternoon, booked movie online and slept for a while.
Delicious dinner of curry + fuzhou fishball soup. So , just came back from the movie. It's a great show. Weekends' always the time i truly relax myself unlike weekdays. Despite some sucky feelings, today is a good day. Anyway, i aint gonna let things affect my mood so easily so ya !
TO A GD FRD : Dun be affected by ------ and remember what i say, be self-centered at times, really, sometimes we really ought to stop bothering ourselves with other people affairs'. It's hard to satisfy everyone.. HOPE YOU WILL BE ALRIGHT !
Yours, Ray..12:32 AM
Friday, May 25, 2007
Just woke up. It's still not easy to survive a day of school with 3 hours of sleep. Anyway, went to school as per normal today.
First lecture was mere talking. Din exactly listen to what the lecturer taught. Went over to find dale and wish lynda happy birthday. After that went to buy breakfast and brought it down also. SEE IM FRIENDLY OK! Hmm. I miss Hong Kong. Okay,that's random. After that's effective oral and communication. As usual, the lesson's quite boring. But manage to survive through it.
Then went for lunch and ate chicken rice again. Doesn't know what other food to eat. So, after eating, went to mrt to find chantel. Brought her to join our lecture. hahah. Then introduce her to some of my classmates, and dale and lynda. 'Friendly , but looks intimidating' LOL. OKOK.
So after that went back home -.- . Too tired to go out already and i slept till now. Was suppose to watch movie at night, BUT, sure full. So , forget it , will just go another day.
Okay, gotta go bath already. Before i go , happy birthday lynda~!
Yours, Ray..9:33 PM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
School's not bad today. Had some rather fun time with my classmates. And i kept laughing cause....... LOL. nvm.
After that went back home, put my laptop and went out. Met up with my sec-sch friends at cck. Went to buy kfc and went to meet up with the rest. Then we went to Suhui house. Chatted there, slack and joke around. And i left earlier cause there's school tomorrow morning. Total number of people : 16+. Lazy to type it out =x.
Okay, so ate pizza there! It's delicious. And aaron and i were very 'helpful' LOLOL. we left a good impression ~~.
AND EH its gonna be 12. so once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUHUI !!
Okok. im lazy to continue. Ciaos.
Yours, Ray..11:50 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
On mc and my throat's hurting quite badly. So din go for school today. Woke up at 2 today. Started doing my project. There's still a little left now. Gotta go to school slightly earlier tomorrow to print it out and get one more website.
So, rot at home the whole afternoon. Then went over to kk place to do my work. Do halfway and went down for dinner. The food there's quite nice @@. So , after that went back to continue with my work. AND BLEACH 4 IS OUT PEOPLE LOL. I haven't try it yet, since i dun have time to transfer to my psp. But don't think it'll work. Most probably need to update it.
IT'S A COOL COOL GAME WITH BETTER GRAPHIC =x. Okay, so after that, my dad drove me home and here i am. Nothing much to blog actually. So ya, i'll continue tomorrow bah. Gotta go take my medicine already.
Yours, Ray..11:31 PM
Okay, time to blog once again. Monday was night class once again. Boring boring boring !! After that went to play pool. ARGH. Im getting lousier and lousier already ! Need to brush up my skills provided that i have the capital first =x
So ya, today went to school early to do some work. Then after that went to eat lunch. Mac, despite my bad bad sore throat. Then after that's microecons tutorial. Then we went to cheers to get something. Thanks for the strepsils !! Okay, so after that stats. It ended early. COOL.
Stayed in school after that. Went to find my bro, kk, terry, cx to have dinner together. The food aint that delicious =x. After that we went to GRC for pool. BUT FULL LAAAAAa. WTH LOL. We waited and waited till we gave up finally. Went to play the arcade there. Some lame game i play LMAO. After that we went back to yewtee.
Went to see the doctor. Terrible sorethroat and im not faking it. Sigh. Anyway, after that they went back home. And i went to meet up with aaron, daniel, eugene, joel. It's always nice to meet up with sec sch friends !! Good to see that they are enjoying their school very much. Hmm, so we went to eat and talk ~
But i went back home early. Actually wanna stay one ~ but family keep calling -.-. So ya, no choice. But we'll still see each other on thursday and prolly saturday ~
No time for guitar today, cause really gotta rush my work already. Dun think i'll be sleeping much, not sure if i'll turn up for school also !!
But i will do my work I SWEAR. ok maybe not swear LOL. OK BYEBYE PEOPLEEEE. Tomorrrow will be a better day !! xD
Yours, Ray..12:23 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
Hmm. was damn quiet at school on friday. Then after that lecture went to get notes from dale. And my card is with him and lynda now -.- . Anyway eh thanks for the notes !
After school, went to lot one to meet up with my bro, kk and terry. Played pool for quite a while den after that went down to eat. Cx came to join us and terry left after that. The rest of us went to watch the movie 'Next'. It's quite an interesting show but sadly i miss some part of it. Cause i slept in the cinema !! Too tired already ~
Okay. then saturday went to gym at noontime with my bro and kk. 'Kei meh kai shou' if u watch bleach U MIGHT know what it means. Okay, so after that went to eat again ! Wow im becoming a BIG EATER.
So after eating we all took a cab home. I went to bath immediately and left home after that. Went to lot one to meet up with my friends. People who met up there were aaron, joel, dallas, shengxun, melisa, denisey, ger. So we took the mrt and went to tiong bahru and suhui's at there.
Then we took bus 123 to the Singapore Repetory Theatre to watch 'Theasthai'. A series of short drama hosted by acjc for the exam. Those that performed will be yelyn, isaac and mark. They did a good job obviously and will definitely score well.
After that daniel joined us and eugene also. Went to eat at clark quay burger king. Chatted for quite a while also. Then we split when going back home. A couple of them went to take NR3 and the rest of us took the train.
Was supposingly goin to timah for pool after that. But it's too late. we gotta cab down. Plus some of them are going to gym the next day. So in the end just went back home. Guess we can pool next week if everyone's free ~
One week of no-emoness. COOLINESS. im sure i'll survive it. Afterall it's a good deal lmao. Ciaos people.
Yours, Ray..1:44 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Wasn't planning to blog till this last minute.
Okay, a few days ago i experinced this scene on the Mrt. A pregnant lady board the train. Everyone just pretended not to see her around. Yea, and i mean everybody cause she was standing in the middle of the cabin.
And this depicts one single word. Selfish. No, i aint some noble guys out there. And i know i shouldn't be commenting. But still, something came straight to me the moment i saw that. And it is non other than disappointment. It's disappointing how people can act as if the lady is not around. Maybe somehow i should really start learning. Face the reality and learn from others.
And the first thing i should learn will be revolving round just myself and once again be nonchalant to things and people around me. It's always easiler said than done. And yea, since i already mention this to lotsa friends since quite some time ago. I realise i still can't change my personality to fit it. To fit into what i want to become.
"We have met the enemy and he is us ! " Walt Kelly, pogo comic strip, earth day 1971.
This applies to me. My greatest enemy has been myself. All this while. Im struggling hard, struggling hard to break free. At times, i see a stranger when i look at the reflection. This person who looks so familiar seem so distant.
A day ago, im all cool already. And here i go again. Dun be influence again by my entry. For the emo-ness is back once again.
Happiness is elusive and hell yea, thats true~
Yours, Ray..1:22 AM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Family you can rely on. Older friends you can respect and learn from. Friends you can hang around and have fun with. Ex-school mates you can go out and relate to. Confidant you can share problem with. Gf ? I'm satisfied with the fact that we're rather close now. Since you aint pursuing more and neither am I, let's just stay this way.
Life can never be perfect. But i'll be glad if it stays this way. I hope i'll come back to this post and read it whenever i feel emo or sucky. Read this post and think about the people that comes to your mind.
Finally a positive post people.
Yours, Ray..11:35 PM
I finally reach home ! It's a cool cool day except for the lesson part. Left home at around 11+ , went to lot one kpool with my bro. Played till around 2+. Then left for school. Met up with his frd szekai and another guy. Went to the canteen at engineering block.
Then they went for lesson and kk came and ate there. Then we proceeded to GRC pool. It's full ! Suppose wanna go upstairs to take a look at the bowling. But it's no longer there i think. It's really sian though -.- .
So in the end went to yck mrt and kk went back home. Then lionel came , followed by howen and shu ai. Went to GRC again but it's still FULL. So instead just took a cab down to amk. Pooled till around 5+ and we went back to school for dinner.
Then it's the boring lecture and tutorial. Most of the time spent during tutorial would be chatting in msn lmao. After school ended cabbed down to amk for pool again ! I'm so god damn addicted but who cares ! Pooled till around 11.30 and we went back. Took one of the last train and the last bus home.
Spent around 12 hours outside today. And most of it is spent on pool. hahha. But who cares. This is what i call life. Slacker? Yea, maybe. Maybe this is the kinda life i adore.
Im gonna be a slacker, and i'll continue being a HONGSTER. Last but not least.
Ray formula : No $$ = No Gf
Got Gf = No $$
No Gf = Once a hongster, forever a hongster !
Yours, Ray..12:34 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007
For some reason, im not asleep yet. And it's 3+ already. How cool can that be ! Anyway, today was suppose to be a study day. BUT. Ended up meeting aaron, daniel, joel and lutfi at lot one for spiderman3. Quite an awesome movie but it's expected to be this way. I'll definitely rant on my blog if it falls below my expectation.
Went back home after the movie cause it's mother's day and im expected to eat dinner at home. So yea, delicious dishes for dinner. Then went to bath and watched tv till around 9+ . On my lappy and came online. Opened up my document for my homework. And guess what ! From 9+ till now, i din touch my work. Instead, im busy chatting at msn.
SOMEONE MUST BE SWEARING AND CURSING WHEN HE READS THIS LOL. cause i said that i'll be doing my work at 12+. Somehow, i just lack the motivation that you have. Doing all the work at weekends and then you can relax during weekdays. I always told myself that. But somehow i just can't fulfil it. It's making me feel quite irritated with myself. And i feel sucky right now. zz.
Motivation, i just can't seem to find it. Lets say not only motivation for studies, but again , what's my motivation for being alive. What do i actually seek and what do i actually live for ? I wish i can probe more into this issue and find the reason for it. But it seems hardly possible. I shall not continue any further lest i get myself all emo and fcuk up once again. Screw my thoughts, screw my emotions. I wanna be nonchalant, i wanna be.. Someone else.
Nastiness, nastiness come to me. Bestow me, change me. Give me the feelings, the abilities, to change. Into the kind of person i wanted to be, not this loser typing all this.
Yours, Ray..3:00 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hmm, time to blog i guess. Yesterday night, met up with daniel, aaron, joel and went to cck park to slack and eat. Brought my guitar along . Hmm. so chatted for quite sometime. Still remember those days we often frequent there before and after o levels. But the good thing is that we're all still in contact and still goes out !
After staying till around 12.30. Sit 302 and went to yewtee with daniel. He went back home and i met up with my bro, kk and terry. Then went to yewtee mac to eat . IM A GLUTTON. Ordered fries, apple pie and ice-cream. Thinking bout it now makes me hungry. Ok, so stayed there till 2 + . Then went to taxi stand there slack. And then took a cab home.
Woke up at 8 today. Fancy waking up so early during weekends lmao. Went to gym with my bro, kk and terry. Pretty packed there. Met my primary school friend there and chatted for a while. Then after that went to one of the salon near lot one. kk got a haircut and terry dyed his hair blue. What paikia friends i have =/. After that went to lot one pool. I suck as usual. Gotta really brush up my 'skills'. After that went to long john eat and went back home.
Slept the rest of the afternoon away. Woke up, ate dinner, bath and im out again. Movie with my bro, terry, kk, cx. Caught the show 28 weeks later. M18 show, so obviously i have to sneak in again lol. Dun mind watching it again though. I find it a pretty awesome show.
That's all for today. Haven touch any work yet. Not sure if i'll even be touching any. Tired, and.. hmm. Whatever ! Ciaos.
Yours, Ray..11:35 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
I'm blogging almost every single day. But it's no hassle for me. I find it pretty cool to blog everyday and at times, i may just look back at the post and reflect about anything and everything.
So, today woke up at 6. But it's raining heavily. So in the end , my dad drove my bro and i to school. 2 hours of lecture. I was trying my best to pay attention but it's not of any help. Too much notetaking SIAN.
Then it's the effective oral communication tutorial. Speech presentation ! IM SO GONNA POST IT ON YOUTUBE. =x. ok just kidding LOL. Okay, so finally first round of speech ended for everyone. I guess everyone's real relieve now ! Afterall, project presentation and speech are done with. Then it's microecon lecture.
We went back home SHORTLY. In the end din go out but slept my whole afternoon away. Then woke up and practise guitar for a while and installed dota. Sorry for the trouble im a NOOB lmao.
Not sure if i'll still be going out tomorrow. Thats' all for today then ! Ciaos people ~
Yours, Ray..8:26 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Finally, im feeling ecstatic at long last. Too many days of emo. Too many days of venting anger on my friends. Too many days of complaining and whining to my friends =x. Ok, so today went to school late. Not late for school, but late for project thingy.
So just went for the lecture instead. Wasn't paying any attention during lecture. Was rushing through my speech for project. After that went to eat, the chicken rice's not filling but it taste quite nice ~ So, after that's project presentation. Wasn't excellent, but i'll say it's not bad. One more project down ~!
After sch stayed back for awhile with howen and shu ai. Then proceeded to amk hub cause he's gonna get his formal wear. First time there. Mountain turtle lol . Went to G2000, expensive . Formal wear is a total waste of money ! Anyway, after that went back to yck to meet my bro, kk and terry at GRC pool. The table's not bad, but the place's still a little cramped. And eh. I suck totally. Wah lao eh ! Damn sad. It's like when i play one round of pool, people can play 3 rounds already. Really ought to spend more time playing pool. LOL that sounds so.. wrong. HAHA.
So, after that came back home and have dumplings for dinner. Then i slept for an hour or two and proceeded downstairs for some, erm exercise ? LOL. For just a SHORT SHORT SHORT while. hahaha. So im back here now. Gotta go take a bath and then check if there's any work for tomorrow.
Gotta sleep early tonight. Too many late nights this few days. RIGHT DALE ?!! he must be sleeping soundly right now loooool. OKOK. i better get going. BYE PEOPLE =D
Yours, Ray..11:44 PM
WOOHOO. im blogging in the middle of stats lecture. I have completely no idea what he's talking about, just like how he has completely no idea what im doing lol.
Anyway, slept at 3+ yesterday and woke up at 8 today. Late night + early morning = DIE. Chiong project. Actually nothing much, just doing the background and some text animations. Finally finish everything including writing the speech on the cards.
10 + minutes left till lecture ends. Half an hour earlier and i duno why. Stats always end early. Someone is not paying attention in lecture and is lying on the table beside me now and he have COMPLETELY NO IDEA im talking about him. LOL. he wont read this i reckon. hahha whatever !
Okay, better not blog anymore. Later still gotta practise for the project ~ SIAN SIAN SIAN. 2 more days till weekend. Finally a break ~~~~~~ CIAOS PEOPLE
Yours, Ray..12:19 PM
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
OK. im back to blog. Sorry to disappoint any readers but, sadly, i skipped two hours of tutorial this morning. Actually, i woke up. But was too lazy and continued sleeping.
Anyway, was rushing my speech last night. Oh yea, a BIGGGG thank you to suhui and dale for helping me edit my script ! Sorry to waste u peoples' time ~ Since the two of you must be really busy to be staying awake so late in the night. Saviors ! I owe the both of you a treat. Provided that we all have FREE time first. HAHHA
So my dad drove me to school today. Formal wear looks really funny on me ! Ok, so went for effective com. Speech. Bah. Im satisfied with myself, satisfied with my edited speech and thats more than enough. Happy ? Yea definitely ! After that's stats lesson. Again, i din do my tutorial. sigh. But who cares. I wanna be a slacker hahahaha. I'll just revise at home ~ So after that went to eat and then went to the library to do project lol.
And then im back home. No gym for today since kk stayed at sch for bball. Weekend most probably. Better end here ~ Faster finish compiling the project to powerpoint and then i have some practising to do !
Yours, Ray..10:04 PM
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I'm starting to hate school. Yea, read that again, it's the ultimate truth. Ask me why, maybe i'll tell you. Anyway, went to school early for project. Ate mac for breakfast. Actually wanted to skip the lesson for today. But ended up not skipping. Tutorial was boring. Lab was alright, quite slack. I don't feel like elaborating much about school life. Afterall it just sucks, at least for today or maybe it will be like that till the end of my 3 years.
Went back home. Ate dinner and went to clem's place for guitar. He's a good teacher but i'm really a slow learner i must say. lol. But im not giving up. Guitar's real fun. Still learning 'Wake me up when september ends' . bah, its quite a easy song , but im not having an easy time learning and playing it . But im definitely enjoying myself. At least there's something i can look forward to on weekdays.
So yea, thats all for today. I haven do my speech. Let alone my tutorial. If i manage to finish these two, i'll compile the project into powerpoint. IF that is. But i reckon it will be possible.
'Maybe there are just too much differences, or let's say i can't adapt to changes. Let time prove it'
Yours, Ray..10:32 PM
Monday, May 7, 2007
Weehee, time to blog !
Saturday : Went out with my bro , kk and cx . We went to causeway point with the intention of catching a movie. But it was fully packed ! So, ended up taking a bus to hougang. For pool . LOL. it sounds like a joke. Not going for pool at cck and instead taking a bus for 1 hour to hougang. Anyway, i love the music there. Memories eh. But the place's quite small and packed. If next time go , we must get the membership and go to the other shop. Okay, so after that went back home.
Sunday : I wanna say sorry to my frds first -.-. Sorry for not going to watch movie and sorry for not going studying. Cause i already promised my mum that we'll be going out ! Okay, so my dad , mum, bro and i went to vivo. Family day ! Actually, it's kinda rare considering the fact that my mum and dad are always busy at work. So no choice, gotta postpone all other activities to other days. Anyway, bought my formal wear. It's damn expensive, hai. And it's not like i wanted it badly, it's really no choice. Went to eat dinner. I ate like a pig LOL. shall not elaborate on what i eat , lest everyone who reads this gets real hungry. Bought a stripe shirt. Not bad. But din get my levi jeans, cause it dun look that good afterall.
After returning home, came online and do work ! And im online till 3+ . Dale too HAHHAA. He's doing his speech and im doing my tutorial. We're two 'madster' who does the work in the middle of the night lol.
Today ( Monday ) : Today's a long day ! Reach school at around 4.30 and went to the library. Just nice my classmates were at there, so i joined up with them. In the end , din do much of the project, just finish up my tutorial. After that went to cheers to get my 'zhu gu li' LOL. Then went for lecture. Went down to pass dale and his frd the cards for the speech. Then it was boring lecture all the way. And i went down again to ask my 'mentor' and he teach me accounting. WA. u ROCKS. All correct ok! thanks arh. hahha. next time accting i duno i confirm ask u. U ARE DEAD DUDE ! Ok, so after that went for tutorial and went back home with my frds. Done a little talking on the train haha.
Needa do the rest of the work later. Gotta make myself a cup of coffee now before starting work. Guess im gonna stay till 3+ again . hahaha. Ciaos people.
Yours, Ray..11:27 PM
Weehee, time to blog !
Saturday : Went out with my bro , kk and cx . We went to causeway point with the intention of catching a movie. But it was fully packed ! So, ended up taking a bus to hougang. For pool . LOL. it sounds like a joke. Not going for pool at cck and instead taking a bus for 1 hour to hougang. Anyway, i love the music there. Memories eh. But the place's quite small and packed. If next time go , we must get the membership and go to the other shop. Okay, so after that went back home.
Sunday : I wanna say sorry to my frds first -.-. Sorry for not going to watch movie and sorry for not going studying. Cause i already promised my mum that we'll be going out ! Okay, so my dad , mum, bro and i went to vivo. Family day ! Actually, it's kinda rare considering the fact that my mum and dad are always busy at work. So no choice, gotta postpone all other activities to other days. Anyway, bought my formal wear. It's damn expensive, hai. And it's not like i wanted it badly, it's really no choice. Went to eat dinner. I ate like a pig LOL. shall not elaborate on what i eat , lest everyone who reads this gets real hungry. Bought a stripe shirt. Not bad. But din get my levi jeans, cause it dun look that good afterall.
After returning home, came online and do work ! And im online till 3+ . Dale too HAHHAA. He's doing his speech and im doing my tutorial. We're two 'madster' who does the work in the middle of the night lol.
Today ( Monday ) : Today's a long day ! Reach school at around 4.30 and went to the library. Just nice my classmates were at there, so i joined up with them. In the end , din do much of the project, just finish up my tutorial. After that went to cheers to get my 'zhu gu li' LOL. Then went for lecture. Went down to pass dale and his frd the cards for the speech. Then it was boring lecture all the way. And i went down again to ask my 'mentor' and he teach me accounting. WA. u ROCKS. All correct ok! thanks arh. hahha. next time accting i duno i confirm ask u. U ARE DEAD DUDE ! Ok, so after that went for tutorial and went back home with my frds. Done a little talking on the train haha.
Needa do the rest of the work later. Gotta make myself a cup of coffee now before starting work. Guess im gonna stay till 3+ again . hahaha. Ciaos people.
Yours, Ray..11:27 PM
Friday, May 4, 2007
Okay im back. Yea, the ray u guys knw from orientation or the first week of school. Sorry for being a sucker for such a long time. hahhaa. Anyway, i'll just blog about what happen today, and some other stuff at the end.
School was terrible today ! Actually, it's terrible cause i have to wake up so early for my 8am lesson. I was like so gonna sleep during the lecture. But okay la, i persevere for the first lecture. After that's the effective oral communication. Today's lesson still quite alright. I haven do my speech ! Ok, so after that went to eat ice cream . howen came at the last lecture -.- powderful. anyway i think i slept thru nearly the whole lecture.
After that went back home when everyone else's going for project. So came back change and went to gym with my bro and kk. Coooool. It's been a long long long time since i went to gym. I CAN RUN 2.4 OK ?! Actually i noe it's no big deal lol. But gymning gives me a sense of satisfication. At least, i've not wasted my friday. Okay, so after that went to yewtee's nearby foodcourt for dinner. Fish and chip. Then walked pass my old block. Argh ! Tonnes of memories. The library, the childhood frds ! Then my dad drove all of us back.
Okay, thats all for posting. Now it'll be something else. Eh, i've been fcuking emo for the last few days or a week ago. Whatever's the reason, it don't matter anymore. Just wanna say that im perfectly alright already.
Credits goes to my class. Yea, jokes, craps or maybe even just spending time with my classmates. thanks. Not forgetting my ex-sec sch mates that i spend time with. Talking online, going out tgt.
And then there's two more person. One's a 4 years frd and another's a few weeks frd. hahahha. You people shld knw who you are. The only two person i thanked yesterday. One's a 4 years frd, one who have major quarrels with me before. Yea, there has been times when we're NEARLY reduced to merely strangers or even enemies. But im glad it din. And the other frd, HAHAhHA. We dont even have time to talk cause we're in diff class. DAMN. But eh , the two of you made me realise what i should be doing and what i shouldn't. Great friends to begin with. And what about the end. NAH, NOT GONNA HAPPEN. im gonna pester the two of you when i have problem. It'll never end ! Prepare to get a ear-plug or block me in ur msn. hahhaa.
Okay, last but not least, a big THANK YOU to everyone for tolerating my EMO-NESS. SORRY FOR MY NONSENSE, BUT I AM BACK.......... SUCKERSSSS!!!!
Yours, Ray..9:51 PM
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
A changed person ? A new personality ? A new life ? Nah, I see the shadow of my past struggling to break free. There's nothing to hide about my past. I am not the person you guys know now. I used to be so slack, so rebellious, so.. carefree will be the word.
Everything was just about pleasing myself back then. Skipping school would be the best example. Whenever i don't feel like attending school, i'll just go somewhere else. Perhaps to catch a movie with a frd from outside, swim, or just slack around like nobody business. I live my life for myself, and only myself.
And then when problems came, i'll do all sorts of things like smkin, drinkin etc. Yea, i was one of those you will never ever wanted to be friend with.
And now this surge of feeling is trying to overcome me. Yes, it may be true that i am truly free back then. One of my frd once told me this : This is all part of the growing process. At some instance, i just wish that the clock would stop ticking. Imagine time stopping at the moment when you were the happiest person on earth.. Pardon me, it's time to get back to reality.
You shall not overcome me. I will fight, i may falter, but i cannot fail..
Yours, Ray..11:59 PM
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Finally there's some spare time for me to blog. Okay, actually not. I haven touch my tutorials, i haven read my lectures. Anyway, went to school earlier yesterday at 3+. Went to the library to find my classmates. Was real tired, so just went to a corner and slept. Then went to have dinner with them. Ate 'shou gong mian'. It certainly dun look appetizing, but taste quite alright.
After that went to the lecture. Following the lecture's a 2-hour AFA tutorial. Was quite quiet for the whole day. For the same reason - tired and sian. I wanna get back. Back to myself. The one who's enthu about everything. The one who joke around and talk crap. The one who people want to talk to. Not someone who looks real tired and moody. Someone who suck totally. Sorry for being a sucker. But i promise, i'll be back soon. Real soon.
After that walked to mrt with my friends. Done some chatting along the way. Then went down to marina to find my sec-sch friends. Gathering for daniel's belated birthday. Hmm so went there for a while. Then proceeded back to yewtee mac to slack. Done quite a lot of talking on the mrt and at mac. Glad to see everyone adapting well to tertiary education . So slacked till around 2+ and took a cab home.
Was supposed to wake up at 9 today. But i ignored the alarm and slept till 10. Then went over to clem's place for guitar. I have tonnes of practising to do. I'm not gonna give up this time round. Never.
Guess that's all for today. Bye everyone. If there's any.
Yours, Ray..8:30 PM