Monday, September 1, 2008
Hi readers. Blog's dead already, switch over to livejournal. Better interface, lazy to find a better blogskin after many attempts. Drop me an offline msg at msn and i'll paste u the new address. Enjoyed your presence here, bye.
Yours, Ray..8:58 PM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
They say miracles do happen, i believe in that, so prove to me.
Yours, Ray..10:08 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Yours, Ray..9:47 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
A new place, a fresh beginning, a new chapter of life. Decipher this, and you'll know why i no longer often this place as much as i do.
Yours, Ray..1:34 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Someone who like this and famous amos if i not wrong la LOL
HI NARUTO FAN. If i'm not wrong about who you are that is lol. I seldom dedicate any post for people beside birthdays but here goes:
Hi naruto-fan-which-i-think-is-you one of the person who's journals i always visit :) . Hey, very long din get to chat with you online already, kinda busy this few weeks with studying and everything. Din do catching ups with you for a long long time !!
Hope you're coping well with studies, life and everything, remember what i always say, BE HAPPYZ. SMILE A MILLION TIME A DAY. Anyway, just wanna say life is good for me nowadays and i have fabulous people all around me.
Been dinosaurs years since i last rant to you online about my life, cause i'm doing fine now like finally -.- . But i just wanna take this chance to say thank you (IF U ARE REALLY WHO IM SAYING LA LOL) . Thanks a million for always being around last time, always hearing me rant on non-stop and without any complaints at all.
Thanks, because i manage to survive all the nonsense i had partly cause of ur help. And i'm glad i first know you although the way i know you is kinda lame and funny :x Stay happy always and take care of my dear in your class if you are really who i'm referring to, HAHHAHA. YOU ROCK :D
Yours, Ray..3:51 AM
Friday, August 22, 2008

The only thing i did beside studying was to watch this anime during exam period
Series 2 coming out soon i'll probably go and buy it :D
Yours, Ray..8:34 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
One paper left, my dizzyness is killing me and i don't know why i'm feeling dizzy. Can't concentrate and focus, that is one big problem. Finance paper is tough so i'm probably going to die if i still cannot manage to concentrate.
WAITING FOR CLEM TO COME OVER AND TAKE THINGS FROM ME. Then i'll have a good excuse to go down for a puff, and hopefully methol ice will wake me up from this nonsense. Probably won't sleep till 5am today. Last paper, no pain no gain.
Today is also a happy day despite the stupid efma paper, cause i got a message from my No1 Idol, Thank you from your No1 stalker + Fan ! And i receive some M&M chocolates via email LOL, ALTHOUGH IT'S REALLY FUNNY BUT THANKS, AT LEAST TAKE THE STRESS OFF ME FOR A WHILE, HAD A GOOD LAUGH AND A BREADMAN SMILE FOR A WHILE :D.
Work hard kiddos, we'll survive.
Yours, Ray..10:51 PM